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Get the most authentic science experiences you can! Biological Sciences Honours Course 4100 Informational Meeting Feb 26, 2015 5:45 pm, 301 BSB.

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Presentation on theme: "Get the most authentic science experiences you can! Biological Sciences Honours Course 4100 Informational Meeting Feb 26, 2015 5:45 pm, 301 BSB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get the most authentic science experiences you can! Biological Sciences Honours Course 4100 Informational Meeting Feb 26, 2015 5:45 pm, 301 BSB

2 COORDINATORS:Members of the Honours Thesis Committee (HTC): Dr. Jason Treberg, 474-8122, (chair 2015-2016) Dr. Dirk Weihrauch, 474-6310, Dr. Anne Worley, 474-9541, Dr. Sylvie Renault, 474-6914, Dr. Jay Kormish, 474-7810, Dr. Jillian Detwiler, 474-8689, Dr. Jane Waterman, 272-1678, Honours Committee 2015 – 2016

3 What is BIOL 4100? A six credit hour course: designed to give students experience in scientific research from inception to presentation Includes: planning extensive background reading experimental design and execution data analyses communication of results (both written and orally)

4 Opportunity to complete a self-directed research project - Learn how research is done - Do I have a talent for research? - Do I enjoy doing research? Why take BIOL 4100? - Major qualification for your future scientific life

5 To enroll in BIOL 4100… 1. Student must have: Make sure you have the grade requirements... - ≥ C + grade in all Biological Sciences courses - GPA ≥ 3.0 - 4 th Year Honours status in Biological Sciences - BIOL3100

6 To enroll in BIOL 4100… 2. Student is responsible for finding an advisor AND, with the advisor’s help, find an additional committee member within (or associated) with the Biological Sciences Department → need a co-advisor within the department For non-faculty (e.g. adjunct) advisors → must be approved by Honours committee

7 Committees… Each student has a committee composed of: i) advisor(s) ii) one member of the Honours Committee Role: Assess student proposal and progress report Ensure consistency among thesis projects Grade thesis document and oral defense iii) one additional committee member

8 BIOL 4100 Course Structure No formal lectures or labs! 3. Thesis exam symposium ( April 2016 ) 2. Progress meeting ( Document: due 15 th of Dec.; Meeting date by the end of 2 nd week on Jan. 2016 ) 1. Proposal meeting ( May/Sept. 2015 ) Three general meetings:

9 Course requirements Summer: by end of April 2015 Fall: start of September 2015 Summer: early May 2015 Fall: early September 2015 Due: 15 Dec. 2015 Due: 2 nd week of Jan. 2016 Data collection & preliminary analysis complete OR VW  Major Degree Due: end March 2016 mid April 2016 (before final exams) Written Proposal Proposal presentation Written Progress report Written Progress Presentation Written Thesis Thesis Defense Presentation

10 Evaluation (overview) Proposal (written & oral)10% Progress Report (written & oral)15% Thesis (written)50% Thesis defense (oral & exam)10% Conduct of research ( supervisor )15% 100%

11 Thesis (written) Usually 30+ page document (please not 50 or more) - final revised copy to office by 29 April 2016 - thesis to all examiners by 29 March 2016 - 1 st draft to supervisor by 4 March 2016 - style follows departmental guidelines

12 Thesis (oral defense) After classes end, before exams (~10 April 2016) → questions from Examining committee ( 5-10 minutes of questions from each examiner ) → questions from general audience → 12 minute presentation ( project overview and research findings )

13 What next ? If you have already identified an advisor ( and the additional committee member ) : → start to formulate questions; initiate proposal writing → safety training; animal care course? animal care protocol forms? → Manitoba Conservation permits?

14 What next ? If you have not yet identified an advisor: → check out the Biological Sciences website for a list of potential advisors → meet with potential advisor(s) → discuss possible research projects → formulate research questions... Don’t Delay !!!

15 QUESTIONS? (HTC chair 2015-2016) Also see:

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