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Fundamental Beliefs ~By Ashley Gonzalez~ Beliefs About God… The word of God- God inspired man to write His word. Psalm 199:105 The God Head- I believe.

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamental Beliefs ~By Ashley Gonzalez~ Beliefs About God… The word of God- God inspired man to write His word. Psalm 199:105 The God Head- I believe."— Presentation transcript:


2 Fundamental Beliefs ~By Ashley Gonzalez~

3 Beliefs About God… The word of God- God inspired man to write His word. Psalm 199:105 The God Head- I believe that there is Three Gods in one Revelation 14:7

4 The Trinity… God the Father- My Father that keeps me alive John 14:9 God the Son- He died so that I could live with him. Romans 6:23 God the Holy Spirit- He is my conscience, telling me right from wrong. Acts 1:8

5 Beliefs About Man… Creation- God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7 th. Genesis 1:1 The image of man- I believe we were all Created in the image of man. Genesis 2:7

6 Beliefs About Salvation.. The Great Controversy- Is a battle between satan and God to win our hearts. Revelation 12:4-9 Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus- Jesus died for me, lived a perfect life on this terrible world. Romans 1:4

7 More on Salvation.. The Experience of Salvation- When I let God in my heart, and live for him everyday, I want to be with him in Heaven. Colossians 1:13 Growing in Jesus- When I let him in my heart, He will change me. Psalm 1:1

8 Beliefs About the Church The Church- Where I worship my Lord, With other brothers and Sisters. Ephesians 1:22 The Remnant and its mission- The remnant will help me in my time of trouble. Revelation 12:17

9 Love one another… Unity in the body of Christ- We are all made in the Image of God. Romans 12:4 Baptism- I am showing everyone I love Jesus and I want Him to control my life. Colossians 2:12

10 The Lord’s Supper Jesus last meal with his disciples before he died on the cross, he taught them a lesson that whenever they eat bread or drink wine, to do it in remembrance of Him. Revelation 3:20

11 More Beliefs about the Church… Spiritual Gifts and Ministries- God gives us special talents So that we could use them To praise Him. 1 Peter 4:10 The Gift of Prophecy- God appointed a woman named Ellen G. White to preach his message. Revelation 12:17

12 Beliefs About the Christian Life… The Law of God- I try to keep the Ten Commandments, to show I love God. Exodus 20:1-17 The Sabbath- I believe God created the 7 th so we can rest and get closer to Him. Genesis 2:1-3 Stewardship- I need to take care of what God made. 1 John 2:6

13 How we should act… Christian Behavior- When we do anything we should do it to the glory of God. Philippians 4:8 Marriage and the Family- God put our loved ones here, to experience the love we will have for each other in Heaven. Deuteronomy 6:5-9

14 Beliefs about Last Things… Jesus’ Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary- I believe that Jesus is in Heaven, preparing us to come with Him. Forgiving us of our sins. Daniel 7:9-27

15 The Best Part… The Second coming of Jesus- Jesus is coming back to take me up to Heaven with Him, and all my brothers and sisters in Christ will all enjoy a paradise with our Heavenly Father watching over us. We will be perfect, No sickness nor death. Revelation 1:7

16 What Jesus Did for me… Death and Resurrection- I believe when Jesus comes, even the dead shall see Him. Malachi 4:1 The Millennium and the End of Sin- I know someday, sin will be nonexistent, and everyone shall live in peace. Revelation 20:1

17 The New Earth… I lastly believe that sinners shall soon be gone, along with satan, and we shall live a perfect life in a perfect place called Heaven. We will live with our God, and live the rest of eternity together. Matthew 5:5

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