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Response To Intervention By Kevin Green By Kevin Green EDU 845 EDU 845.

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1 Response To Intervention By Kevin Green By Kevin Green EDU 845 EDU 845

2 National Policy Board For Educational Administration Standard 1.0 Develop A Vision: 5. Candidates use data research strategies to create vision that takes into account the diversity of learners in a district. Standard 1.0 Develop A Vision: 5. Candidates use data research strategies to create vision that takes into account the diversity of learners in a district. Standard 2.0 B. Provide Effective Instructional Program: 4 Candidates demonstrate the ability to allocate and justify resources to sustain the instructional program. Standard 2.0 B. Provide Effective Instructional Program: 4 Candidates demonstrate the ability to allocate and justify resources to sustain the instructional program. Standard 3.0 A Manage the Organization: 4 Candidates demonstrate the ability to use research-based knowledge of learning, teaching, student development, organizational development, and data management to optimize learning for all students. Standard 3.0 A Manage the Organization: 4 Candidates demonstrate the ability to use research-based knowledge of learning, teaching, student development, organizational development, and data management to optimize learning for all students.

3 RTI Response to Intervention is a practice of providing high quality instruction and interventions to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals and applying child response data to important educational decisions, quality differentiated instruction, frequent monitoring of progress, and adjusting what is done with students based on data from that monitoring. Response to Intervention is a practice of providing high quality instruction and interventions to student need, monitoring progress frequently to make decisions about changes in instruction or goals and applying child response data to important educational decisions, quality differentiated instruction, frequent monitoring of progress, and adjusting what is done with students based on data from that monitoring.

4 Laker Schools Approach to RTI Student Achievement Model: We have leaders in four core areas that are in charge of assessment and achievement. Math, Writing, Reading, & Positive Behavior Support. Student Achievement Model: We have leaders in four core areas that are in charge of assessment and achievement. Math, Writing, Reading, & Positive Behavior Support.

5 Math In our Math RTI program we utilize Accelarated Math, Star Math, Pals Math and title one services to work with tier 2 & 3 students. In our Math RTI program we utilize Accelarated Math, Star Math, Pals Math and title one services to work with tier 2 & 3 students.

6 Writing In our writing program we utilize a couple of retired teachers as writing consultants. They work with all of our students 30 minutes per day using stop light writing and step up to writing strategies. In our writing program we utilize a couple of retired teachers as writing consultants. They work with all of our students 30 minutes per day using stop light writing and step up to writing strategies.

7 Reading In our reading program we utilize SRA, Read Naturally, Dibels, Accelerated Reader and a Houghton Mifflin Basil Series. In our reading program we utilize SRA, Read Naturally, Dibels, Accelerated Reader and a Houghton Mifflin Basil Series.

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