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«From the History of the Olympic Games» Done by pupils of the 7th form:Kate Sychenko and Nastya Petrova Teacher: V.P.Nesterenko School №14 Pyatigorsk 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "«From the History of the Olympic Games» Done by pupils of the 7th form:Kate Sychenko and Nastya Petrova Teacher: V.P.Nesterenko School №14 Pyatigorsk 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 «From the History of the Olympic Games» Done by pupils of the 7th form:Kate Sychenko and Nastya Petrova Teacher: V.P.Nesterenko School №14 Pyatigorsk 2013

2 ● The Olympic Games began in 776 B.G. In Olympia,Greece.They were for men only.At that participants took part in : ● 1. Racing 183 and 4500 metres ● 2. Discus-throwing ● 3. Javelin-throwing ● 4. Fist fighting ● 5. Long jump ● 6. Wrestling ● 7. Horse racing ● 8. Chariot racing Olympic Games

3 ➲ The rules were very strict.Those that did not obey them were physically punished.Later when the Greeks lost their authority and became dependent on Rome the games almost stopped existing.

4 In 394 A.D. The Roman emperor Theodosius prohibited them entirely.We know that about 300 games were held till that time.

5 ● Many attempts were made to restore the old tradition but they all failed.

6 A French teacher named Per De Kuberten led a campaign for the organisation of an international committee and restoration of the games.

7 ➲ He quoted:"There is no star nobler than the sun,there are no games nobler than the Olympic." His efforts were not in vain.

8 In 1894-1500 years after the last Greek Olympic Games-the first International Olympic Games were organised in Olympia,Greece.In 1894 the first Ional Olympic Committee was organised by 12 countries including Russia. The first nominated General Secretary was Per De Kuberten.

9 Now 48 countries are members of the International Olympic Cjmmittee which is led by Brundege (USA). Per De Kuberten died in 1936 and was buried according to his wish in ancient Olympia.

10 Now the programme of the Oiympic Games is quite different, but the aim is the same. As Brunbege said «Sport plays a main role in intimating friendship.»

11 Ever since the 1936 Games the opening ceremony is celebrated dy lighting a flame called the«Оlympic flame».

12 This flame is brought from Olympia.It is relayed by planes,cars, ships,motor- cycles,runners, etc,until on the opening day it reaches the place where the games are being held and ignites the place where the games are being heid and ignites the awaiting torch.

13 Vmany speeches are held,a pledge is given by all participants and referees,to be loyal, sacred to the rules, friendly to all sportsmen,and true to their countries.

14 The first step toward solving this problem was the organising of England's Football Association in 1863.

15 The winners are honoured a bit different than were the ancient ones for whom the wall of their city was broken in to iet them enter.

16 The motto was: With such defenders we need no wall!Now the winners get gold, silver or bronze medals.

17 It was absoluteiy just to organise a «White Olympiad»too, because if the ancient Greeks had no need for it,nowadays winter sports occupy as strong a position as do summer sports.

18 In 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France. Since then they have been regularly enlarging and the entry list swelling.

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