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THE EXECUTIVE AS Overview. EXAM REQUIREMENT The Exam Specification asks for: A knowledge of the distribution of power within the UK executive. A knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "THE EXECUTIVE AS Overview. EXAM REQUIREMENT The Exam Specification asks for: A knowledge of the distribution of power within the UK executive. A knowledge."— Presentation transcript:


2 EXAM REQUIREMENT The Exam Specification asks for: A knowledge of the distribution of power within the UK executive. A knowledge of the factors that influence the relationship between the prime minister and the cabinet. A knowledge of the relationship between ministers and civil servants and of their accountability to Parliament and the public.

3 More Clearly….. What powers does the Prime Minister have? What powers does the Prime Minister have? How does he run his cabinet? How does he run his cabinet? What limits the power of the Prime Minister? What limits the power of the Prime Minister? What is the role of ministers/civil servants? What is the role of ministers/civil servants? How accountable is the Prime Minister, and his ministers and civil servants, to Parliament? How accountable is the Prime Minister, and his ministers and civil servants, to Parliament?

4 BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE You need to understand the basic concepts and traditional role of the Executive and its various members… You need to understand the basic concepts and traditional role of the Executive and its various members… You should have a thorough and up to date understanding of the Blair premiership You should have a thorough and up to date understanding of the Blair premiership You should be able to draw selectively upon the recent past examples of John Major and Margaret Thatcher. You should be able to draw selectively upon the recent past examples of John Major and Margaret Thatcher.

5 KEY CONCEPTS You need to understand: Cabinet Government Cabinet Government Prime Ministerial Government Prime Ministerial Government Accountability Accountability Ministerial Responsibility Ministerial Responsibility Political Neutrality Political Neutrality Open government Open government

6 Cabinet Government The theory that the cabinet forms a collective political executive in British government and thus constrains the power of the Prime Minister. In Cabinet Government the principle of collective responsibility means the cabinet either makes, or is consulted about, important political decisions.

7 Prime Ministerial Government The theory that the office of the Prime Minister is now so powerful that it forms the political executive, that effectively makes the decisions. In practice, this is characterised by the dominance of the Prime Minister; the existence of an unelected ‘inner cabinet’ of advisers; a lack of cabinet meetings and the relative unimportance of cabinet ministers.

8 Accountability The extent to which the government must answer for its actions to the people, via the elective body of the House of Commons.

9 Ministerial Responsibility Individual Ministerial Responsibility is the doctrine which assumes that ministers are fully responsible, to Parliament, for the actions of their departments. The doctrine assumes that ministers will resign over failures in policy or practice (e.g. Lord Carrington, Falklands). In practice, the doctrine has been undermined by refusals to resign, and the belief that policy and practice are separate (Howard as Home Secretary).

10 Ministerial Responsibility The doctrine of Individual Responsibility has been rarely exercised in recent years. Most ministers seek to hold on to office despite errors in their departments (Stephen Byers, Charles Clarke, John Reid). Most resignations occur because of personal behaviour (Mandelson, twice; Blunkett). Estelle Morris (Education) was an exception, resigning because she was not up to the job (her own admission).

11 Ministerial Responsibility Collective Responsibility assumes that minsters will support government decisions, even if they privately oppose them. Ministers must resign if they do not feel able to publicly endorse such decisions (e.g. Robin Cook and others over the Iraq war)

12 Political Neutrality Refers to the lack of party bias in political actions and decision making. Can refer to independence (i.e. non- party) on the part of MPs or bodies, or cross-party work.

13 Open Government Government keeps no secrets, and conducts its affairs in the full glare of public view.

14 Elective Dictatorship Describes the British political system as one in which, once elected, the leadership of the majority party in the House of Commons can do more or less what it wants without constitutional checks and balances, until it faces the electorate at the next general election. Coined originally by Tory Lord Hailsham.

15 LAST WORD….. This session has not covered a full assessment of the Blair premiership specifically This session has not covered a full assessment of the Blair premiership specifically The role of the civil service needs further consideration, especially: The role of the civil service needs further consideration, especially: Its increasing politicisation; Its increasing politicisation; The contracting out of a number of its functions (Next Step Agencies); The contracting out of a number of its functions (Next Step Agencies); Increasing public profile reducing anonymity of senior civil servants. Increasing public profile reducing anonymity of senior civil servants.

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