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R ELIGION 1, 2, & 3 Samantha Holder Josh Kuhn September 2, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "R ELIGION 1, 2, & 3 Samantha Holder Josh Kuhn September 2, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 R ELIGION 1, 2, & 3 Samantha Holder Josh Kuhn September 2, 2009

2 P URPOSE What’s so important about religion? Religion played a big role in the writing of this story. Religious leaders incorporated their beliefs into the writing.

3 P AGAN Fate determined everything, Your life was going to play out the way it was supposed to regardless of what you did. Powers of nature were thought of as gods (i.e. Yarikh, Moon God)

4 C HRISTIANITY Religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, sent by God Jesus died on the cross for our sins Came back to life By believing in him we may enter Heaven Rely on the Bible as the inspired word of God

5 A PPEAL OF C HRISTIANITY What made early medieval pagans accept Christianity? It was the attraction of what Christianity had to offer.

6 T HE A TTRACTIONS Life free of pain and struggle of the mortal world Eternal life Simplicity Reliability

7 3 M AIN A TTRACTIONS Hope Justice Compassion

8 C ONVERSIONS Britain Denmark Norway Sweden

9 C HURCH ’ S ROLE IN B EOWULF Church had 3 major roles back in the day. Everyone had a religion. No such thing as Atheism Ran into a church no matter what you did. Where do you want to go? Church I guess.

10 1 ST ROLE OF THE CHURCH… To hold daily or weekly prayer. Hold festivals like Christmas, Easter, and Marriages. Similar to the modern role of church.

11 2 ND ROLE OF CHURCH… Collect Tithes taxes for the church. Used these tithes to feed the homeless and Priest.

12 3 RD ROLE OF THE CHURCH… “Civil Service” Educate the people. Cleric’s also helped in the government. Wrote and transcribed works of literature.

13 W ORKS C ITIED anity.jpg _Weinermobile.jpg

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