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Managing Travel at the University of Hertfordshire Scott Copsey Travel Plan/Environmental Coordinator University of Hertfordshire.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Travel at the University of Hertfordshire Scott Copsey Travel Plan/Environmental Coordinator University of Hertfordshire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Travel at the University of Hertfordshire Scott Copsey Travel Plan/Environmental Coordinator University of Hertfordshire

2 Presentation Outline  University Overview – Geography  Demographics & Travel Plan Targets  Why have a Travel Plan  University car parking – the cost/future?  Stakeholder Pressure

3  Semi Rural/Urban  Near to A1(M) & M25  Large rural hinterland  Herts has high car ownership/capita  Major North-South road & rail network  University seen as a ‘car necessary’ destination University Overview - Geography

4  University Status 1992; 2,400 Staff; 24,000 Students (FTE) spread over Three Campuses  Travel Plan Developed 2002 and implemented 2003 – Full Time Travel Coordinator Travel Plan Targets  Headline Targets set for September 2013: - Staff (60% car, now 65%  down from 82%) - Student (20% car, now 29%  down from 37%) Demographics & Travel Plan Targets

5 Why have a Travel Plan?  Section 106 agreement with local planning authority requires the production of a Travel Plan  Limited parking allowed on de Havilland Campus (i.e. parking standards), which stipulated no parking for new Halls of Residence  Demand – Staff & Students  On street parking & local traffic congestion  University Carbon Emissions  Cost

6 Staff Modal Split (2009)

7 SOV Target (2013)

8 Student Modal Split (2009)

9 SOV Target (2013)

10 Modeling Demand for UNO (Buses)

11 On Street Parking: Term Time & Holiday

12 University Carbon Emissions


14 Car Park Surveys (Park & Ride)

15 University Car Parking – the cost  3,600 car park spaces  Each cost £1,000/space/year (or about £7/day/space)  Park & Ride adds £500,000/annual or £3/space  Staff pay about 20p/day through annual permit (incentive to drive!!)  Students currently pay £2 on campus, Park & Ride 70p

16 University ENTRY (by any mode) CAMPUS CAR PARK EXIT Reward: 100 Points Park & Ride CAR PARK EXIT University ENTRY (by any mode) Reward: Nil STAFF STUDENTS Staff: Deduction 200 pts Charge 100 pts Students: Charge £1 Staff: Deduction 150 pts Charge 50 pts Students: Charge 50p Proposed Transport Plan Management System

17 Stakeholder Pressure LA’s Policy – reduce SOV/ increase public transport/cycle/walk District Council (planning authority) – local politics i.e. vocal residents Highways Agency – Reducing demand Local Community – On-street parking/traffic congestion – no CPZ University (staff/students/visitors) - CSR

18 Thank You? Environment Team Website or

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