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Published byArnold Henderson Modified over 9 years ago
Neutrino Detector R&D UKNF Detector Meeting 25 April 2007 Paul Soler University of Glasgow
2 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Contents 1. Summary of detector technologies 1.1 Water Cherenkov 1.2 Magnetised Segmented Detectors (MIND, TASD) 1.3 Liquid argon 1.4 Emulsion 2. ISS conclusions 3. Future developments and UK R&D
3 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 o Projects around the world: Hyperkamiokande, UNO, Memphys Water Cherenkov UNO: ~440 kton 65m Water Cerenkov modules at Fréjus Fréjus CERN 130km Memphys ~440 kton Hyperkamiokande: ~550 kton (fiducial) or T2KK Kamioka+Korea
4 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Magnetised Segmented Detectors o Golden channel signature: “wrong-sign” muons in magnetised calorimeter o Far detector (3000-7000 km) can search for “wrong-sign” muons in appearance mode (for example, Large Magnetic Detector) Magnetised Iron neutrino Detector (MIND) iron (4 cm) + scintillators (1cm) beam 20 m B=1 T 40KT 50% wrongsignmuondetector not detected NC CC Hadron decay o Background: charm production, charge misidentification. Q t = P sin 2 cut eliminates backg at 10 -6
5 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Magnetised Segmented Detectors o Magnetic Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) New analysis for ISS: Cervera Can go to lower threshold in muon momentum Main background: production of charm No estimation of electron performance Q t =P sin 2 Signal NC background CC background L>75 cm L>150 cm L>200 cm
6 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Magnetised Segmented Detectors Possible improvement: Totally Active Scintillating Detector (TASD) using No a and Miner a concepts 3 cm 1.5 cm 15 m 100 m –3333 Modules (X and Y plane) –Each plane contains 1000 slabs –Total: 6.7M channels o Momenta between 100 MeV/c to 15 GeV/c o Magnetic field considered: 0.5 T o Reconstructed position resolution ~ 4.5 mm Ellis, Bross Reduction threshold: access second oscillation maximum and electron identification
7 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 2. Magnetised Segmented Detectors Muon reconstructed efficiencyMuon charge mis-ID rate Main problem: magnetisation of huge volume Difficulty and cost!
8 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Liquid Argon TPC Liquid argon detector is the ultimate detector for e (“platinum channel”) and appearance (“silver channel”). Simultaneous fit to all wrong and right sign distributions. o ICARUS has constructed 2x300 t modules and observed images o Main issues: inclusion of a magnetic field, scalability to ~15-100 kT o Two main R&D programmes: Europe & US
9 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Liquid Argon TPC LAr Cathode (- HV) E-field Extraction grid Charge readout plane (LEM plane) UV & Cerenkov light readout PMTs E≈ 1 kV/cm E ≈ 3 kV/cm Electronic racks Field shaping electrodes GAr A tentative detector layout (GLACIER) Single detector: charge imaging, scintillation, possibly Cerenkov light Magnetic field problem not solved Field 0.1-1 T?
10 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Hybrid Emulsion Detectors Plastic base Pb Emulsion layers 1 mm Emulsion detector for appearance, a la OPERA: “silver channel” Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) Issues: high rate, selected by choosing only “wrong sign” → events o Assume a factor of two bigger than OPERA (~4 kt)
11 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Magnetised Emulsion Cloud Chamber Electronic det: e/ separator & “Time stamp” Rohacell® plate emulsion film stainless steel plate spectrometertargetshower absorber Muon momentum resolution Muon charge misidentification
12 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Hybrid Emulsion Detectors o For 60 walls emulsion 1.1M bricks 4.1 kton o Total length of detector is: ~ 150 m Possible design hybrid emulsion-scintillator far detector Golden and silver channels simultaneously! supermodule 8 m Target Trackers Pb/Em. target ECC emulsion analysis: Vertex, decay kink e/ ID, multiple scattering, kinematics Extract selected brick Pb/Em. brick 8 cm Pb 1 mm Basic “cell” Emulsion Electronic detectors: Brick finding, muon ID, charge and p Link to muon ID, Candidate event Spectrometer p/p<20%
13 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 o Near detectors should be able to measure flux and energy of and o Calibration and flux control (inverse muon decay): o High event rate: ~10 9 CC events/year in 50 kg detector Near detector o Measure charm in near detector to control systematics of far detector (main background in oscillation search is wrong sign muon from charm) o Other physics: neutrino cross-sections, PDF, electroweak measurements,... o Possible technology: fully instrumented silicon target in a magnetic detector. What needs to be measured
14 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Near detector Energy spectra for muons from inverse muon decay reactions (green) and (blue) o Energy spectrums for muons from reaction (green) and (blue) Karadhzov, Tsenov
15 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Near detector Possible design near detector around UA1/NOMAD/T2K magnet Muon chambers EM calorimeter Hadronic Calorimeter
16 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 6. Near detector o Vertex detector ̶ Identification of charm by impact parameter signature ̶ Demonstration of charm measurement with silicon detector: NOMAD-STAR Impact parameter resolution (50 m pitch) Pull: ~1.02 x ~33 m
17 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Baseline Detectors from ISS (1) beamFar detectorR&D needed sub-GeV BB and SB (MEMPHYS, T2K) Megaton WCphotosensors! cavern and infrastructure 1-2 GeV BB and SB (off axis NUMI, high BB, WBB) no established baseline TASD (NOvA-like) or Liquid Argon TPC or Megaton WC photosensors and detectors long drifts, long wires, LEMs Neutrino Factory (20-50 GeV, 2500-7000km) ~100kton magnetized iron calorimeter (golden) + ~10 kton non-magnetic Emulsion Cloud Chamber - ECC (silver) straightforward from MINOS simulation+physics studies ibid vs OPERA
18 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Detectors beyond Baseline from ISS (2) beamFar detectorR&D needed sub-GeV BB and SB (MEMPHYS, T2K) Liquid Argon TPC (100kton) clarify what is the advantage wrt WC? 1-2 GeV BB and SB (off axis NUMI, high BB) no established baseline Neutrino Factory (20-50 GeV, 2500-7000km) platinum detectors! large coil around TASD Liquid argon ECC engineering study for magnet! simulations and physics evaluation; photosensors, long drift, etc…
19 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Near Detectors from ISS (3) beamBI, NDR&D needed sub-GeV BB and SB (MEMPHYS, T2K)T2K example…. CONCEPT for precision measurements? concept simulations theory 1-2 GeV BB and SB (off axis NUMI, high BB) NOvA example.. CONCEPT for precision measurements? ibid Neutrino Factory (20-50 GeV, 2500-7000km) beam intensity (BCT) beam energy +polarization beam divergence monitor shielding leptonic detector hadronic detector need study -- need study need concept simul+study simul+study+ Vtx det R&D
20 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 UK contribution to next stage detector R&D In my view, the most promising areas for UK involvement include development of the magnetised calorimeter as a far detector (for the “wrong-sign muon” golden channel), and near detector and its physics programme (especially if neutrino factory based in UK!!!). Both of these are at the centre of the physics from a neutrino factory (the numerator and the denominator!) Other detector technologies (such as a Liquid Argon) are not considered the baseline and the technology is not mature enough at the moment. However, there is some expertise in the UK, and could be explored as an R&D exercise. If we are to contribute to European neutrino detector R&D, we need a focused approach based on UK strengths: the basis for a seed-corn funding bid.
21 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) This is a typical NUFACT detector for E >>1.5 GeV GOLDEN CHANNEL Experience from MINOS & NOvA Designs prepared for Monolith and INO Iron-scintillator sandwich with sci-fi + APD read-out INO readout based on RPC- use of freon (forbidden in EU!). Should look at non-CFC gases. Proposed straightforward design 90kton for ~175M$. More ambitious: Totally Active Scintillation Detectors, lower thresholds, better electron efficiency but magnetic field cost a problem.
22 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Magnetised Segmented Detectors Magnetized Iron calorimeter (baseline detector, Cervera, Nelson) B = 1 T = 15 m, L = 25 m t(iron) =4cm, t(sc)=1cm Fiducial mass = 100 kT Charge discrimination down to 1 GeV Baseline 3500 Km 732 Km 10 8 4 x 10 6 2 x 10 8 7.5 x 10 6 3.4 x 10 5 3 x 10 5 CC e CC signal (sin 2 13 =0.01) Event rates for 10 20 muon decays (<~1 year) (J-PARC I SK = 40)
23 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Magnetised Segmented Detectors New analysis (Cervera) OLD: P > 5 GeV NEW: L > L had + 75cm (shown for three different purity levels down to << 10 -4 ) Need new simulations and physics studies to determine backgrounds and to reduce energy threshold. old analysis new analysis
24 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 o UK R&D involvement: development of scintillator bars and readout system through fibres, electronics … Extruded scintillator: pioneered Fermilab o Photon detectors: APD, MPPC … o Physics o Engineering: Magnetic field Magnetised Segmented Detectors Multi-Pixel-Photon-Counter ~20 m
25 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Near detector oR&D programme 1)Vertex detector options: hybrid pixels, monolithic pixels (ie. CCD, Monolithic Active Pixels MAPS or DEPFET) or strips. Synergy with other fields such as Linear Collider Flavour Identification (LCFI) collaboration. 2)Tracking: gas TPC (is it fast enough?), scintillation tracker (same composition as far detector), drift chambers?, cathode strips?, liquid argon (if far detector is LAr), … 3)Particle identification: dE/dx, Cherenkov devices such as Babar DIRC?, Transition Radiation Tracker? 4)Calorimetry: lead glass, CsI crystals?, sampling calorimeter? 5)Magnet: UA1/NOMAD/T2K magnet?, dipole or other geometry? oCollaboration with theorists to determine physics measurements to be carried out in near detector and to minimise systematic errors in cross- sections, etc.
26 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 Test Beam Facility for Neutrino Detector R&D oRequest test beam in East Area at the CERN PS, with a fixed dipole magnet for dedicated Neutrino Detector R&D Liquid Argon tests, beam telescopes for silicon pixel and SciFi tests, calorimetry … Neutrino detector test facility: resource for all European neutrino detector R&D
27 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 How to proceed? Work Package 5 of EuroNu bid (4 years): deadline 2 May Objectives: ̶ Define the baseline detector options needed to deliver the physics for neutrino factory, beta beam and super beams Bid to EuroNu, Neutrino Facility Design Study for FP7: ̶ Include MIND (Valencia, Glasgow), Water Cherenkov (Paris, APC), Near Detector (Sofia, Glasgow) ̶ Additional partners: Geneva (beam instrumentation) and FNAL (Totally Active Scintillator Detector) Neutrino Factory International Design Study First meeting 29-31 march 2007 Dedicated to Neutrino Factory and its detectors and includes all international collaborators: ̶ Includes a Detector Work Package and should include all regions (ie. Japan, USA and Europe).
28 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 How to proceed? Golden 07: 1 st International Workshop on the Golden Channel at a Neutrino Factory in Valencia 27-30 June.
29 UKNF Meeting RAL, 25 April 2007 How to proceed? Application for STFC Project Research and Development (PRD) Scheme (used to be called seed-corn funding) for neutrino factory detector R&D: ̶ First meeting of people interested in detectors held 26 February 2006 ̶ In attendance: people from RAL, Sheffield, Warwick, Brunel, Glasgow. ̶ If >500K then SOI, if <500K, it is only reviewed by PPRP Would like to move forward on this (after EU submission!) Aims: 1.Magnetic detector: bid around scintillator and photon readout technology for a MIND or TASD at neutrino factory. Build protype “Baby MIND” to put in test-beam. 2.Near Detector: charm detector (strip vs pixel) and tracker (ie. scintillating fibre) – also to put in test beam. 3.Liquid argon?
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