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G OOD P HOTOGRAPHY Kayla Hood.. L OOK Y OUR S UBJECT I N T HE EYE Remember to get down on the subject’s level for a better photo!

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Presentation on theme: "G OOD P HOTOGRAPHY Kayla Hood.. L OOK Y OUR S UBJECT I N T HE EYE Remember to get down on the subject’s level for a better photo!"— Presentation transcript:


2 L OOK Y OUR S UBJECT I N T HE EYE Remember to get down on the subject’s level for a better photo!

3 U SE A P LAIN B ACKGROUND For a better focal point, use a plain background behind your subject.

4 U SE F LASH O UTDOORS Even in sunlight, be sure to use your flash! The sun can create harsh shadows across faces and other things.

5 M OVE I N C LOSE Zooooooooommmmm! Like using a plain background, this creates less distractions behind the subject of the photo.

6 M OVE I T F ROM T HE M IDDLE Make your photo a little less boring and move your subject slightly to the side.

7 C REATIVE P HOTOGRAPHY Be creative with your photos! Use your imagination

8 K NOW Y OUR F LASH ’ S R ANGE It is important to know the range of your flash so unwanted things will not be illuminated in your photo.

9 W ATCH T HE L IGHT You need to watch the lighting in the building or wherever you’re shooting for a more awesome picture. :D

10 T AKE S OME V ERTICAL P ICTURES Sometimes, you just need to force your hand to turn the camera for a vertical picture.

11 B E A P ICTURE D IRECTOR If you ever wanted to be a director as a child, here’s your chance. Tell people what to do! Be the boss. :P

12 L A FIN ! :D

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