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Pegasus Project Management: Resource Factors November 8, 2001 MBA 253 The Pegasus Group: Mario RossoMario Rosso Phil RandolphPhil Randolph.

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Presentation on theme: "Pegasus Project Management: Resource Factors November 8, 2001 MBA 253 The Pegasus Group: Mario RossoMario Rosso Phil RandolphPhil Randolph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pegasus Project Management: Resource Factors November 8, 2001 MBA 253 The Pegasus Group: Mario RossoMario Rosso Phil RandolphPhil Randolph

2 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 2 Basic Resource/Project Management Tools  Gantt Charts  Program Evaluation Review Technique –PERT  Critical Path Method –CPM

3 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 3 Gantt Charts  Developed in 1917 by Henry L. Gantt  Purpose: to better understand and depict the progress of an organization in attaining certain objectives.  Primarily used to depict how time is utilized –Depicts start and end dates of activities as well as the duration of the entire project –Depicts how activities are interrelated

4 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 4 Gantt Charts

5 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 5 PERT  Requires project planners to coordinate the entire project in terms of activities and milestones  Each activity contains –Expected beginning and end dates –Duration of the activity (number of days) –Resource usage for each activity Personnel requirements Equipment requirements

6 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 6 PERT-Calculating Expected Times for completion of activities  Requires predicting –Optimistic completion times –Most likely completion times –Pessimistic completion times  O + 4M + P = te 6  If O=6weeks, M=8weeks, and P=16weeks then 6 + 32 + 16 = te = 9 weeks 6

7 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 7 PERT  Once estimates are created a PERT chart can be created depicting how the activities relate in terms of respective time estimates, sequence of execution, and relative resource consumption  At this point, adjustments can be made through CPM to ensure proper functioning of the project

8 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 8 PERT

9 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 9 CPM  Allows project planners to identify which path along either the Gantt or PERT chart determines the overall length or duration of the project  Determines which activities are “critical” to complete the project on time  Determines which activities can sustain reduced resource input and longer durations

10 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 10 CPM  The path containing activities with the longest durations is the Critical Path  Critical activities must be closely monitored as any delays will increase the duration of the entire project  Resources can be diverted from other non- critical activities to critical activities to ensure proper completion or to shorten the time of the project.

11 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 11 PERT and CPM

12 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 12 Resources & Project Management Objectives  Goal of project management: –Reduce overall duration –Maximize usage of resources  Traditional project management only considered time factors  The availability and allocation resources must be considered if a project manager is to gain control of a project and see it to its optimal conclusion.

13 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 13 Resource Management “The planning, allocating and scheduling of resources to tasks, generally including manpower, machine (plant and equipment), money, and materials. Resource Management typically covers resource allocation and its impact on schedules and budgets, as well as resource leveling and smoothing.”

14 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 14 Resources  Money  Manpower  Machine (equipment)  Materials

15 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 15 Categories of Resources  Renewable –Constrained on a day-to-day basis –Ex. Labor  Non-Renewable –Constrained to a particular project –Ex. Raw materials  Doubly Constrained –Limited to a single project & allocated on a day-to- day basis –Ex. Cash

16 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 16 Resource Allocation  Assignment of people, equipment, facilities, or materials to a project  Projects cannot be completed on schedule if adequate resources are not provided  Key task for project manager  WBS

17 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 17 Work Breakdown Structure  Defines activities and resources required to accomplish a project  Planning tool  Helps compare actual to baseline

18 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 18

19 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 19

20 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 20 The Resource Allocation Problem  Determining optimal trade-offs between –Available resources –Start dates –Durations of project activities  If time and cost/resources are fixed, PM loses ability to make trade-offs

21 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 21 Resource Loading  Calculate how much each task needs of each resource for the activity’s duration  PM must ensure resources are available in the required amounts when needed  Problem occurs when resources are under or over allocated

22 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 22 Over Allocation of Resources  More resources loaded onto an activity than are available  Typical in environments with multiple projects and/or activities drawing from same resource pool  Requires trade-offs be made  “Crashing” a project –Adding additional resources to an activity to expedite it

23 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 23 Resource Leveling  Rescheduling activities so resource requirements do not exceed resource limits  Project completion date can move out in the process  Shift activities with float to reduce variations in resource loads  Promotes a smoother distribution of resources

24 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 24 Resource-Constrained Scheduling  Scientific method for optimizing resource allocation  Heuristic –“rules of thumb”  Optimization –Mathematical/Linear Programming

25 MBA 253 PegasusGroup MBA253 Project Management-Pegasus 25 Thank you for your time Thank you for your time

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