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The North-Eastern Campaign Alexander The GreatDarius.

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Presentation on theme: "The North-Eastern Campaign Alexander The GreatDarius."— Presentation transcript:

1 The North-Eastern Campaign Alexander The GreatDarius

2 Time line of events 330 BC, Murder of Darius,in the Persian province of Parthia 329BC pursuing the murders of Darius, Persian province Arachosia. (Winter) Barsaentes executed in 326 BC


4 Murder of Darius 330bc Word came back to Alexander the Darius had been placed under arrest, Alex madly galloped across the desert to Darius with only 60 Macedonians keeping up with him. This shows how physically strong and the amount of energy Alex has.

5 Pursuing the murders of Darius Persian Province Arachosia Alexander misjudges the severity of the winter. His troops suffer frostbite, snow-blindness and hunger A lot save by the help of the local tribes

6 Darius Murdered When Alex reaches Darius’ wagon he finds Darius has been killed by Nabarzanes and Barsaentes. Darius’ murder in a way was good for Alex as if Darius was captured alive, Alex wouldn’t know what to do with him.

7 Barsaentes Executed Barsaentes was executed in 326 BC after fleeing to India. Nabarzanes was pursued for some time and when caught, begged for forgiveness. And Alex granted his wish

8 King Dead With the Persian Empire captured and the Great King dead,the war of revenge is over. Alex invites the Greeks to remain in his army as paid soldiers if they want to.

9 Pro's Alexander changed his military methods. He no longer fought pitched battles as the enemy was far to mobile and took refuge in high natural fortresses. The phalanx was no longer as important. Five small detachments of infantry and cavalry were set up to seep through the fortified places.

10 Cons Misjudging the sever winter in Arachosia Alex lost a lot of men to frostbite,snow blindness and hunger They ate even their horses to keep alive.

11 Bibliography Campaigns in the Northeast notes Purple Study Guide Images Google

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