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The Hellenistic World Alexander the Great. Phillip II King of Macedon at age 23 Brilliant General Ruthless Politician Macedonians, living in mountain.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hellenistic World Alexander the Great. Phillip II King of Macedon at age 23 Brilliant General Ruthless Politician Macedonians, living in mountain."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hellenistic World Alexander the Great


3 Phillip II King of Macedon at age 23 Brilliant General Ruthless Politician Macedonians, living in mountain villages, respected power over culture Phillip had been imprisoned for 3 years at Thebes, learning and coming to respect Greek culture

4 Philip’s Military Phillip doubled the size of a Phalanx –16 X 16 (256 men) Added cavalrymen –Break enemy lines –Cause chaos in enemy


6 Greeks Undecided About Philip Isocrates Greek teacher Saw Philip as a savior Would save Greeks against themselves (civil fighting) Organize Greeks against Persia Demosthenes Greek orator Distrusted Philip and told about it in Philippics (speeches) Athenians listened and decided to fight Philip

7 Phillip II Attacks Greece Greek city-state’s had continued to quarrel since the Peloponnesian War Phillip attacked Thebes and Athens in 338 B.C. at Battle of Chaeronea

8 League of Corinth Philip joined Greek states in alliance –Greek city-states maintained autonomy over domestic affairs while Philip was leader of foreign affairs –“I swear by Zeus, Earth,Sun, Poseidon, Athena, Ares and all the gods and goddesses. I will abide by the peace, and I will not break the agreement with Philip the Macedonian, nor will I take up arms with hostile intent against anyone who abides by the oaths either by land or by sea.” On to Persia!!

9 Alexander Takes Power Phillip II is assassinated and Alexander intends on fulfilling his father’s plans of destroying the powerful and WEALTHY Persia.

10 Persian Conquest 20 year old Alexander led the Macedonian and Greeks armies into Persia to defeat Darius III

11 Alexander’s Rule Hellenisitic = to imitate Greeks Pharaoh of Egypt also made him a god Began calling himself “Great King” as the Persians called their ruler and having his subjects bow before him. To unite Greek and Persian ideals he urged soldiers to marry native woman He himself married Persian women and celebrated the marriage of 10,000 of his men to local Persian women.

12 Alexander’s Troops Rebel After 9 years of campaigns, Alexander arrives in India As he plans his next battle, his troops mutiny and refuse to fight anymore Wanting to return home to enjoy their spoils, Alexander concedes On the return home, as he is preparing future campaigns, he dies of fever at age 32.

13 Alexander’s Legacy The Emergence of Hellenism –Greeks adopting Persian culture, but Greek culture still dominant Alexander died before he could rule his Empire

14 Empire Divided Monarchy was the new form of gov’t.!!

15 New Cities Cities played especially important role in Hellenistic Culture Temples Gymnasiums Theatres Libraries Museums Zoo

16 Hellenistic Culture Women Education Literature Art Science Philosophy Religion

17 Women Upper-class women –Monarch’s wives paved way –Could manage slaves, sell property, make loans For most women things did not change Many women and girls condemned to prostitution –Boys were preferred so girls left to the elements at birth, though entrepreneurs saved them for prostitution

18 Literature Tons of writing developed Poetry Scholarly works researched at libraries New form of plays, “New Comedy”– amusement and intrigue and no politics “New Comedy”

19 Art Monarchs were patrons of the arts to beautify their new cities. Sculpture was more realistic.

20 Hellenistic Science Wealth and diversity spread through out which led to new discoveries -- Medicine (human dissection and vivisection [live bodies]) –Astronomy ( heliocentric theory developed but not accepted) –Geography –Mathematics (Geometry, Levers, and Pi=3.14) Industrial Rev. with steam engine, but so many slaves, they didn’t use these much

21 Hellenistic Philosophy Two major philosophies evolved: –Epicureanism Pursuit of happiness, through personal pleasure, should be only motivating source –Stoicism Most popular Happiness through virtue

22 Carry over to Roman Greeks had spread to southern Italy during colonization Their culture continues through the Roman Empire. Many historians consider Roman culture a continuation of Greek culture. Will you?

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