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11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Publishing without perishing: Creating a successful career. John DeLamater Department of Sociology University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Publishing without perishing: Creating a successful career. John DeLamater Department of Sociology University of Wisconsin-Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Publishing without perishing: Creating a successful career. John DeLamater Department of Sociology University of Wisconsin-Madison

2 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Finding a Niche Identify an un/understudied topic or question Identify an un/understudied topic or question Develop a new perspective on an established area Develop a new perspective on an established area Replicate classic research in the field Replicate classic research in the field

3 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Developing the Research Thoroughly review the literature(s) Thoroughly review the literature(s) Select a specific question/hypothesis of interest to the (sub)discipline Select a specific question/hypothesis of interest to the (sub)discipline Select an appropriate methodology Select an appropriate methodology

4 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Designing the Project Follow “best practices” in the research design Follow “best practices” in the research design Select an appropriate sample Select an appropriate sample Feedback, Feedback, Feedback! Feedback, Feedback, Feedback!

5 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Collecting the “Data” Follow the conventions of the (sub)discipline in collecting data Follow the conventions of the (sub)discipline in collecting data Train team members carefully Train team members carefully Document your procedures Document your procedures

6 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Select a Journal Comparison Shopping Comparison Shopping –Review Process –Citation Counts – Relevance? –Journal Type –Reputations of Editors, editorial board –Quality of Production Content Content

7 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar

8 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar

9 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality Volume 15, Issue No. 1, 2003 Article: Bruce Rind the Truth Teller1 Vern Bullough, PhD, RN Article: Adolescent Sexual Experiences with Adults: Pathological or Functional?5 Bruce Rind, PhD Article: Human Sexuality: Concupiscent and Romantic 23 John Money, PhD Article: Should Universities and Colleges Mandate Sexual Behavior: Student perceptions of Antioch College’s Consent Policy 35 Terry Humphreys, PhD, Ed Herold, PhD Article: Effects of Questionnaire Order on Self-Reported Sexual Behavior, Risk Perceptions, and Ratings of HIV and STD Protection Strategies 53 Donald Scandell, PhD, Brian Wlazelek, PhD, Carl Bentelspecher, PhD, Keely Rees, PhD, Susan Thomas, PhD Article: Saying Yes when Meaning No: An Investigation of Gender and Individual Differences in Token Seduction 69 Michael Dreznick, PhD, Joseph Cronin, MA. Caroline Waterman, PhD, Christie Glasheen, BA Book Reviews

10 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Drafting the Article Follow the Journal’s conventions Follow the Journal’s conventions –Put rationale up front –Organization of paper –Describe methods in detail –Presentation of data – tables, figures –Conclusion: contribution, limitations

11 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Preparing for Submission GET FEEDBACK from peers, mentors GET FEEDBACK from peers, mentors REVISE in response to feedback REVISE in response to feedback Spellcheck, PROOFREAD Spellcheck, PROOFREAD Submit as requested Submit as requested

12 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Editorial Processing- JSR Assigned to action editor Assigned to action editor Reviewers selected, email solicitation Reviewers selected, email solicitation Editorial decision: Editorial decision: Expect “Revise and Resubmit” Expect “Revise and Resubmit” Carefully consider all comments Carefully consider all comments Return with letter detailing responses Return with letter detailing responses Congratulations! Congratulations!

13 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Managing your Career Establish your priorities – Establish your priorities – teaching, research, service teaching, research, service Find a position that fits you Find a position that fits you Keep your eye on the prize Keep your eye on the prize

14 11/24/2015SPAM Seminar Life is a journey, not a destination.

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