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IR AND RE VERBS Reviewing conjugation. IR VERB CONJUGATION To conjugate IR verbs, take off the IR and add the ending that agrees with the subject. IR.

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Presentation on theme: "IR AND RE VERBS Reviewing conjugation. IR VERB CONJUGATION To conjugate IR verbs, take off the IR and add the ending that agrees with the subject. IR."— Presentation transcript:

1 IR AND RE VERBS Reviewing conjugation

2 IR VERB CONJUGATION To conjugate IR verbs, take off the IR and add the ending that agrees with the subject. IR verb ENDINGS je – isnous - issons tu – isvous - issez il/elle/on – itils/elles - issent Any regular IR verb will be conjugated using these endings.

3 OTHER IR VERBS Here is a list of other regular IR verbs –Choisir = to choose –Grossir = to gain weight –Maigrir = to lose weight –Grandir = to grow –Obéir = to obey –Réussir à = to succeed, to pass –Rougir = to blush

4 RE VERB CONJUGATION To conjugate an RE verb, take off the RE to get the stem, then add the ending that agrees with the subject. RE verb endings –Je – sNous - ons –Tu – sVous - ez –Il/elle/on – (nothing)Ils/Elles - ent

5 Other RE Verbs Vendre = To sell Perdre = to lose Attendre = to wait for Entendre = to hear Défendre= to defend Rendre = to return Répondre = to answer Rendre visite à = to visit (someone) Write the following into your Notes: We hear. They don’t lose

6 PRENDRE Prendre is an RE verb that has a spelling change in the plural forms of nous, vous and ils/elles Prendre = to take –Je prends Nous prenons –Tu prends Vous prenez –Il/elle/on prend Ils/elles/ prennent

7 PRENDRE All verbs that have prendre in them follow that conjugation pattern –Apprendre = to learn –Comprendre = to understand –Surprendre = to surprise

8 SORTIR, PARTIR,DORMIR The are three IR verbs often used that do not follow IR verb conjugation rules –Sortir = to go out –Partir = to leave –Dormir = to sleep These three verbs are conjugated similarly –The endings are the same but the stems change!

9 SORTIR and PARTIR Je sors Tu sors Il/elle/on sort Nous sortons Vous sortez Ils/elles sortent Je pars Tu pars il/elle/on part Nous partons Vous partez Ils/elles partent

10 DORMIR Je dors Tu dors Il/elle/on dort Nous dormons Vous dormez Ils/elles dorment Write the following into French in your notes for examples –He sleeps. –We go out. –They (masc.) leave –You all sleep. –You (singular) go out.

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