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Dr Heather O Dickinson Department of Child Health University of Newcastle

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1 Dr Heather O Dickinson Department of Child Health University of Newcastle Cancer trends in England and Wales

2 Deaths by cause (all ages), England & Wales, 1998 cancer 25% diseases of circulatory system 41% diseases of respiratory system 16% other 18%

3 Age 1-4 yrs congenital anomalies Age 5-24 yrs accidents nervous system Age 25-74 yrsOver 75 yrs cancer respiratory system circulatory system other Deaths by cause and age group, 1998

4 5-year survival 0%20%40%60%80% breast lung colon rectum prostate bladder stomach Affluent Deprived Adult cancer, diagnosed 1986-90

5 5-year survival 0%20%40%60%80% breast lung colon ALL CANCERS rectum prostate bladder stomach Affluent Deprived Adult cancer, diagnosed 1986-90

6 Target In July 1999, the UK government set a ‘tough but attainable’ target: to reduce the death rate from cancer in people under 75 by at least a fifth by 2010 (compared with 1997) - saving up to 100,000 lives

7 Cancer mortality, under age 75 yrs Year 195019601970198019901998 0 100 200 Annual mortality per 100,000

8 05,00010,00015,00020,000 stomach lung prostate colorectal bladder oesophagus Male deaths from cancer, 1998

9 05,00010,00015,00020,000 ovary breast lung colorectal pancreas stomach Female deaths from cancer, 1998 oesophagus

10 colorectal prostate Year Cancer mortality, males, age 45-74 yrs +  Annual mortality per 100,000 lung stomach  

11 colorectal breast Year   o + Cancer mortality, females, age 45-74 yrs Annual mortality per 100,000 lung stomach

12 Death rates from cancer depend on: l incidence –several years ago l survival –over the past few years

13 l We can decrease the incidence through prevention. l We can improve survival through better treatment.

14 Can starting prevention strategies now affect the incidence enough to reduce the death rate by 2010?

15 Smoking accounts for l over one third of cancer deaths –lung, mouth, larynx, oesophagus and other cancers l about one fifth of other deaths –mainly from circulatory and respiratory disease

16 l Survival has improved. l If it continues to improve, roughly 24,000 deaths will be avoided by 2010 l If survival for everyone were as good as survival of the most affluent, about 41,500 deaths would be avoided.

17 Eliminating social class differences - in both incidence and survival - would almost certainly save more lives in the next decade than innovative treatments.

18 Cancer mortality, children 0-14 years Year 195019601970198019902000 0 2 4 6 8 Annual mortality per 100,000

19 0%20%40%60%80% 5-year survival Brain and spinal tumours Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Children’s cancer, diagnosed 1986-90 Affluent Deprived

20 Children’s cancer - a success story Why? l many childhood malignancies are chemosensitive - and among the first for which curative chemotherapy was developed l rare disease - so a manageable problem

21 Why? l treatment at regional centres l cross-speciality communication l evidence-based treatment l national collaboration in treatment protocols l most patients entered into clinical trials Children’s cancer - a success story

22 l Can adult cancer be treated as successfully as children’s cancer? l Can we give everyone the best care, irrespective of their social status?

23 Good statistics are the crucial underpinning of government policy.

24 Statistics are needed for: l valid target setting l planning service delivery l audit of performance

25 High quality statistics: l accurate l complete l timely

26 What sort of statistics? l incidence} { age l mortality} by { sex l survival} { tumour type

27 How do we use the statistics? l to analyse trends l to analyse factors affecting trends l to predict the effects of these factors as the age structure of the population changes

28 Health care has taken the lead in calling for evidence based decisions; government policy likewise needs to be determined by a firm knowledge base.

29 I work on the epidemiology of children’s cancer. I previously taught English to people from other countries - mainly Bangladesh and Pakistan - who had settled in England. I integrated health education into my English teaching. This work made me more aware of the inequalities in society, both within England and between different countries. Heather Dickinson

30 l Learning objectives - to understand:  factors influencing cancer incidence and survival  stratifying by age, sex, social class  national statistics on disease l Performance objectives - to assess:  national trends in disease rates  targets for reduction in mortality

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