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Motivational behavior What makes people tick?. Hawthorne Studies (1927) Effect of light / noise on worker productivity Workers knew they were part of.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivational behavior What makes people tick?. Hawthorne Studies (1927) Effect of light / noise on worker productivity Workers knew they were part of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivational behavior What makes people tick?

2 Hawthorne Studies (1927) Effect of light / noise on worker productivity Workers knew they were part of an experiment Outcome: recognized that money is not the only motivator of work behavior.

3 MASLOW Hierarchy of Needs Assumptions: people’s needs are arranged in a hierarchy only those needs that have not been satisfied can influence behavior. a satisfied need is not a motivator.

4 more assumptions When one need has been at least partially satisfied another emerges and demands satisfaction Once physiological needs are satisfied the individual is concerned with higher order needs.

5 Hierararchy Self-actualization Esteem Social Safety Physiological

6 MacGREGOR Theory X / Theory Y

7 Theory X uses traditional management assumptions – employees dislike work & must be coerced, controlled or threatened to motivate them – relies on external control & constant supervision

8 Theory Y workers do not dislike work employees do not want to be rigidly controlled and threatened with punishment average workers will accept and seek out responsibility emphasizes self-control and direction

9 HERZBERG Maintenance / Motivational Factors

10 Maintenance Factors necessary to maintain a desired level of satisfaction must be present to avoid worker dissatisfaction are not strong motivators. ex:salary, working conditions, job security

11 Motivational Factors are job centered ex: work itself, recognition, responsibility, advancement

12 Quality Circles (Japanese concept) work in teams with management get suggestions from people from all aspects of the work process all can better understand goals & objectives because they have input

13 TQM Total Quality Management encourage employees to contribute their own goals / objectives and evaluate their success in achieving them

14 Employee evaluation of employers norm is for supervisor to evaluate his/her charges what if employees also evaluated the supervisor / employer? radical concept?

15 Job enrichment concept = give workers more authority to plan their work and decide how it is to be accomplished this allows workers to learn new job- related skills or trade jobs with others (associated with attempts to improve morale)

16 Life phases (cycles) Lion King “The Circle of Life” different motivations are paramount at different times in a person’s life

17 Morale mental attitude of employees toward their company and job

18 Management should recognize individuality of employees learn to meet employees where they are (in order to motivate) individuals are not all motivated by the same things

19 Question? Where does the typical FD manager get his/her management expertise? End

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