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Developing a model for the recognition and validation of informal and non-formal knowledge in VET in Slovenia – results and experience Aljoša Bradač, Šolski.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a model for the recognition and validation of informal and non-formal knowledge in VET in Slovenia – results and experience Aljoša Bradač, Šolski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a model for the recognition and validation of informal and non-formal knowledge in VET in Slovenia – results and experience Aljoša Bradač, Šolski center Ptuj, Slovenia

2 SLOVENIA AND VALIDATION OF INFORMAL AND NON-FORMAL KNOWLEDGE A relatively unknown/new basis Regulated and more often used at tertiary level Uncommon at secondary and primary level EU commitment

3 PROJECT U nis VET 2008 – 2012, ESF funding Service sector (economics, hairstlying, nursery and pre-school education) Consortium of secondary schools - project led by the Institute for Business Education, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia 11 partners, over 50 target schools 9 segments Similar projects – MUNUS, Consortium of Biotehcnological schools

4 DEVELOPING A MODEL FOR THE VALIDATION OF INFORMAL AND NON-FORMAL KNOWLEDGE Task group – mainly teachers Providing regulative frameworks, instruments and training for professionals working in education Regulative framework – National level (no special law) – Institution level (regulations) Instruments – Application form – Counsellor‘s Reminder Counsellor‘s Reminder – Employer‘s letter

5 DEVELOPING A MODEL FOR THE VALIDATION OF INFORMAL AND NON-FORMAL KNOWLEDGE Training – First several institutions – later visits to one institutions – Personal contact – good exchange of practices and opinions Findings: – Formal and informal knowledge treated in the same process – Informal knowledge attributed to adult education – Irregularities regarding validation considering fields and modules – Positive and negative responses

6 DEVELOPING A MODEL FOR THE VALIDATION OF INFORMAL AND NON-FORMAL KNOWLEDGE GUIDELINES: – Regulation (while respecting the institutions‘ authonomy) – Guidance at national level (part of an institution providing guidance, gathering data, analysing data, providing tranining, performing supervision, etc. ) – Establishing links with the environment at national and international level(economy, voulontary organisations, etc.) – Optimising the process of validation – efficiency in terms of time, paperwork, etc. – Promotion, informing, – NQF and standards

7 FINAL THOUGHT Learning takes place in various environments and in many different ways and neither schools nor teachers can impose a monopoly on it. There is only one Knowledge, one single notion, and it exists regardless of the way in which it was gained. Aljoša Bradač (2009)


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