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Food borne illness: How can you Fight BAC!. Did you know? Between 6.5 million and 33 million suffer from food borne illnesses each year. Staphylococcus.

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Presentation on theme: "Food borne illness: How can you Fight BAC!. Did you know? Between 6.5 million and 33 million suffer from food borne illnesses each year. Staphylococcus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food borne illness: How can you Fight BAC!

2 Did you know? Between 6.5 million and 33 million suffer from food borne illnesses each year. Staphylococcus

3 What is a food borne illness? A sickness that results from eating foods that are contaminated with harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. You may not be able to see, smell or taste these bacteria!

4 Facts about bacteria -- Part of all living things and found on ALL raw agricultural products. Harmful bacteria can be transferred from people to food and vice versa. Grows rapidly at room temperature. Growth can be slowed or stopped by refrigeration or freezing. Listeria Salmonella (red) in human cells

5 Common symptoms Diarrhea Abdominal cramps Fever Headache Vomiting

6 How to keep food safe: Clean Separate Cook Chill

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