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Case Study.  Client needed to build data collection agents for various mobile platform  This needs to be integrated with the existing J2ee server 

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Presentation on theme: "Case Study.  Client needed to build data collection agents for various mobile platform  This needs to be integrated with the existing J2ee server "— Presentation transcript:

1 Case Study

2  Client needed to build data collection agents for various mobile platform  This needs to be integrated with the existing J2ee server  The server should be re-used and have a consistent interface for all mobile devices from where data can be collected  Admin should be able to configure a search profile on the server and send out emails with links for mobile application integration  Users should not have to enter details like password etc on the mobile device. After installation the mobile device should automatically identify the search profile configured for a secure pin.  Data should be searched on the mobile device as per the search profile and uploaded to the server  Server should be able to identify which user this mobile device belongs to and save/index the uploaded data appropriately.

3  100% server code should be re-used for all mobile devices  As user should not be asked to type in user credentials we need to solve this via a design where the mobile application that gets downloaded is same (do not want to build per agent) but still be able to identify and authenticate the client later and thus determine the search profile/appropriate data storage needs

4  ProsperaSoft developed a device agnostic server component for mobile data upload  The server also had the capability to generate a device specific descriptor which would have a secure pin to handshake later  The mobile device after doing a handshake with the secure pin gets a copy of a search profile configured for this user  The mobile app consumes this search profile and uploads data to the server  HTTP multipart request used to upload data

5  Contact us  Email: Email:  Visit us at 5

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