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Pathfinder Curriculum HOW IN THE WORLD CAN I DO ALL THAT? Scheduling and Planning the Pathfinder Curriculum Presented by Lyndene Wright.

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Presentation on theme: "Pathfinder Curriculum HOW IN THE WORLD CAN I DO ALL THAT? Scheduling and Planning the Pathfinder Curriculum Presented by Lyndene Wright."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathfinder Curriculum HOW IN THE WORLD CAN I DO ALL THAT? Scheduling and Planning the Pathfinder Curriculum Presented by Lyndene Wright

2 Secret to Success Plan, Plan, Plan Make a Yearly Calendar Plan Individual Meetings Recruit & Assign Teachers Assemble Teaching Aids Parent Involvement

3 Make a Yearly Calendar Do you meet year round or just during the school year? How do you break up the year? Options Year round – 3 four-month sessions School year-2 five-month sessions Your choice

4 Make a Yearly Calendar Do you meet on a week night or week-end? Do you plan some of your meetings during Sabbath? Options 2 hour meetings (40-42 per year) Year round-all on a week night School year-some on Sabbath 32-weeknight 8-Sabbath Your Choice

5 Make a Yearly Calendar Set dates for all other activities. Include Conference Events Pathfinder Sabbath Induction Investiture Campouts Witnessing Opportunities Community Service Your Choice

6 Make a Yearly Calendar Distribute Calendar Options Printed Copy On-line Calendar Your Choice

7 Plan Individual Meetings The Real Nuts and Bolts of Planning Do a variety of activities each meeting Keep a strict time schedule Try to pack in as much as you can Never come unprepared

8 Plan Individual Meetings The Real Nuts and Bolts of Planning M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8 6:30 Opening & Worship 6:35 6:40 6:45 Friend Club Leaders Recreation Honor 4 sessions Basic Drill Presidential Physical Fitness 4 Sessions 2 Fall 2 Spring All Levels Recreation Honor 4 sessions Basic Drill Presidential Physical Fitness 4 Sessions 2 Fall 2 Spring All Levels Recreation Honor 4 sessions Basic Drill Friend Pers. Responsibility Recreation Honor 4 sessions Basic Drill 6:50 6:55 Companion Club Leaders Companion Unit Responsibility 7:00 7:05 Explorer Club Leaders Explorer Club Responsibility 7:10 7:15 Craft Class 1 7:20 8 sessions 7:25 See Schedule 7:30 7:35 7:40 7:45 7:50 7:55 8:00 8:05 8:10 8:15 DrillKnots F-10 C-15 E-20 DrillKnots F-10 C-15 E-20 DrillKnots F-10 C-15 E-20 DrillKnots F-10 C-15 E-20 8:20 8:25 Closing

9 Plan Individual Meetings The Real Nuts and Bolts of Planning S1S2S3S4S5S6S7S8 2:00 Opening & Worship 2:05 2:10 2:15 Memory Verses 2:20 Great Passage IntroGreat PassageSalvationRelationshipDoctrinePrayerBehaviorPromise/Praise 2:25 Friend Happy Path #1 Friend Happy Path #2 Friend Happy Path #3 Friend Health-Daniel Friend Books of OT Friend Prologue EW Richard Friend OT Character-Lyndene Friend Health- Alcohol Tobacco Drugs 2:30 2:35 Companion Finding the Right Path #1 Companion Finding the Right Path #2 Companion Finding the Right Path #3 Companion Desire of Ages Chapter 7 Companion Health Problems Companion Books of the NT Companion E. White's First Vision Companion Health-Sugar-Fat-Salt 2:40 2:45 Explorer Memorize Pledge Meanings Explorer Health Laws to Moses Explorer Battle of Bull Run Explorer Make-up Explorer Bible Authors Explorer Health Caffeine Explorer Aerobic&Non Exercise Explorer Make-up 2:50 2:55 Nature 1 Nature 2 3:00 4 sessions 3:05 Friend Mammals Companion Cacti Explorer Weather FriendCompanionExplorer 3:10 SeedsAnimal TrackingStars 3:15 3:20 3:25 3:30 3:35 3:40 Bible Reading 3:45 All Levels 3:50 Wks 1-4Wks 5-8Wks 9-12Wks 13-16Wks 17-20Wks 21-24Wks 25-28Wks 29-32 3:55 Closing

10 Importance of Variety Plan to have Pathfinders interact with a variety of role models Counselor Craft Teacher Drill Instructor Nature Teacher Camp Skills Instructor First Aid Teacher Knots Instructor AY Coordinator Bible Instructor Etc.

11 Recruiting Instructors Options Staff Members Parents Pastor Master Guides Church Members TLTs Special Community Guests

12 Assemble Teaching Aids Resources AY Manual Local Conference Other Directors Internet Library Your Own

13 Assemble Teaching Aids Web Sites (store) Leland Davis Honor Series Download honor requirements Google AY Honors AY Clubs – Pathfinder

14 Make Lesson Plans Divide material into individual classes Director should have copy of lesson plan Prepare for individual class

15 Make Lesson Plans Sample - Mammals Class #1 List four characteristics of a mammal. (2) On what day of creation were mammals created? (1) List eight species of wild mammals that you personally have observed and identified in the wild. (8) Write or tell a story about “A Wild Mammal I Have Observed” (9) Class #2 Give one or more identifying characteristics for at least 10 of the following orders of mammals, and name one or more species of mammals found in each order: (3) a. Monotremata b. Proboscidea c. Chiroptera d. Insectivora e. Endentata f. Marsupialia g. Carnivora h. Cetacea Name the largest mammal in the world and tell where it lives, how it feeds, and what it eats. (7) Class #3 Give one or more identifying characteristics for at least 10 of the following orders of mammals, and name one or more species of mammals found in each order: (3) i. Lagomorpha j. Pinnipedia k. Rodentia l. Sirenia m. Perissodactyla n. Artiodactyla o. Primates List four mammals that are completely aquatic and designate their natural range. (6) Class #4 List four beneficial mammals and tell how they are beneficial to man. (4) List four things mammals do that are harmful to man. (5) Oral or Written test

16 Prepare for the Unexpected Weather Illness Personal Emergency Other

17 Parent Involvement All your planning will fall flat if you have not brought the parents on board.

18 Parent Involvement Parental involvement is the key to a child's success. The volunteer staff takes its responsibility to guide the Pathfinders to higher goals seriously, and therefore expects the parents to understand the importance of the program. The Pathfinder Club is not a baby-sitting organization, nor is it a playtime to be granted or denied as a reward or punishment. It is a fully integrated spiritually based educational program designed to supplement your child's regular school. It is expected that parents will support their child's consistent attendance and will attend parent function to show their support of their children's achievements.

19 What’s Next? THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF TEACHING PART 1 Teaching the Personal Growth & Spiritual Discovery Tracks Presented by Lyndene Wright

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