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Knowledge Representation Breakout KR: to create content (objects, reltnshps) for SMS (logic/inference) that will be useful for enhancing the discovery.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Representation Breakout KR: to create content (objects, reltnshps) for SMS (logic/inference) that will be useful for enhancing the discovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Representation Breakout KR: to create content (objects, reltnshps) for SMS (logic/inference) that will be useful for enhancing the discovery capabilities of resources within the EcoGRID, and enable the AM System to locate, integrate, and generally resolve suitability of data and analyses for a pipeline activityKR: to create content (objects, reltnshps) for SMS (logic/inference) that will be useful for enhancing the discovery capabilities of resources within the EcoGRID, and enable the AM System to locate, integrate, and generally resolve suitability of data and analyses for a pipeline activity Goals of this breakout: review specifications document; meeting schedules; milestones; deliverables for June 1 report to NSF.Goals of this breakout: review specifications document; meeting schedules; milestones; deliverables for June 1 report to NSF. Need to determine who are participants on this WG. Currently Beach, Berkley, Brunt, Gauch, Goguen,Jones, Ludaescher, Schildhauer, Villa, Williams, are committed to WG. (suggested candidates= Tim Bergsma, Sam Scheiner). Need strong links with BEAM, Taxon.Need to determine who are participants on this WG. Currently Beach, Berkley, Brunt, Gauch, Goguen,Jones, Ludaescher, Schildhauer, Villa, Williams, are committed to WG. (suggested candidates= Tim Bergsma, Sam Scheiner). Need strong links with BEAM, Taxon.

2 Knowledge Representation Working Group Short-term Marching OrdersShort-term Marching Orders –Identify 4-5 data sets that enable us to address concrete questions in Ecology (niche model | biodiv/prod) Can we discover *these in EcoGRID (*query expansion?) Can we integrate these? (thru use of Ontology) –Create two ontologies for SMS group as soon as possible to help accomplish above tasks– one that is a domain (upper level) ontology describing concepts (e.g. Biodiv=H’; Niche => GARP + presence data; these point to candidate data sets ie discovery) one of parameter ontologies to test capability to merge/integrate/discriminate among compatible data; –Requires that we choose language and tools for developing and expressing ontologies (e.g OWL, RDF; Protégé, Jena)

3 Knowledge Representation Working Group Implications for EcoGRID Not major at this point; major long-term impacts thru enabling capabilities of KR via SMSNot major at this point; major long-term impacts thru enabling capabilities of KR via SMS Must store and retrieve ontologies using EcoGRIDMust store and retrieve ontologies using EcoGRID

4 Knowledge Representation Working Group Other Items KR WG needs close connections with AMS, SMS, & BEAM. Need designated contacts within each of these groupsKR WG needs close connections with AMS, SMS, & BEAM. Need designated contacts within each of these groups Are several distinct thrusts of ontology development: data discovery aspects (domain-driven, analysis driven); and data integration/aggregation (parameter ontologies, EML-links)Are several distinct thrusts of ontology development: data discovery aspects (domain-driven, analysis driven); and data integration/aggregation (parameter ontologies, EML-links) Thorny issues for ontology development: theory of measurement & scaling (spatiotemporal and other; methodological details); generalized upper ontology of ecological terminology and conceptsThorny issues for ontology development: theory of measurement & scaling (spatiotemporal and other; methodological details); generalized upper ontology of ecological terminology and concepts

5 Knowledge Representation Working Group Goals for June 1 Choose formal language (with SMS) and end-user tools to edit and visualize ontologiesChoose formal language (with SMS) and end-user tools to edit and visualize ontologies Create at least one “disposable” ontology to test above choices using real data to address concrete question (coordinate with BEAM, Taxon)Create at least one “disposable” ontology to test above choices using real data to address concrete question (coordinate with BEAM, Taxon) Minor revisions to design document will be posted by mid next weekMinor revisions to design document will be posted by mid next week

6 Functional Requirements FR1:Develop ontologies using standards-based approaches (e.g., XML, OWL/RDF, KIF, DAML+OIL)FR1:Develop ontologies using standards-based approaches (e.g., XML, OWL/RDF, KIF, DAML+OIL) FR2:Create parameter ontology to be used by Semantic Mediation System to enable reasoning about appropriate data sources and analytical stepsFR2:Create parameter ontology to be used by Semantic Mediation System to enable reasoning about appropriate data sources and analytical steps FR3:Ontology(ies) must specify concepts down to the level of basic units of scientific measurementFR3:Ontology(ies) must specify concepts down to the level of basic units of scientific measurement FR4:Create terminological ontology defining concepts and relationships useful for exploring and analyzing data on {ecological niche modeling | biodiversity and ecosystems function}FR4:Create terminological ontology defining concepts and relationships useful for exploring and analyzing data on {ecological niche modeling | biodiversity and ecosystems function}

7 Functional Requirements FR5:Capability to mediate among conflicting or disparate ontologiesFR5:Capability to mediate among conflicting or disparate ontologies FR6:Develop a constraint language for describing pre- and post- conditions for parameters in analysis and data transformation steps of AM. For example, constraint language must be able to express restrictions derived from sampling artifacts and statistical assumptions of analyses.FR6:Develop a constraint language for describing pre- and post- conditions for parameters in analysis and data transformation steps of AM. For example, constraint language must be able to express restrictions derived from sampling artifacts and statistical assumptions of analyses. FR7:Capability to use automated feature extraction techniques to assist in ecological ontology developmentFR7:Capability to use automated feature extraction techniques to assist in ecological ontology development FR8:Ontologies must be created so that they are easily extended or modifiedFR8:Ontologies must be created so that they are easily extended or modified

8 Use Cases UC1: SMS can locate data sets within SEEK upon which biodiversity and ecosystem function metrics can be calculatedUC1: SMS can locate data sets within SEEK upon which biodiversity and ecosystem function metrics can be calculated UC2: SMS can reference a number of {e.g., biodiversity and ecosystem} function measures to be calculated upon specific data using ontologiesUC2: SMS can reference a number of {e.g., biodiversity and ecosystem} function measures to be calculated upon specific data using ontologies UC3: Scientist can load alternative ontologies to accomplish UC1 and UC2UC3: Scientist can load alternative ontologies to accomplish UC1 and UC2 UC4: Scientist can edit and view concepts and relationships used in UC1 and UC2UC4: Scientist can edit and view concepts and relationships used in UC1 and UC2

9 Software Components SW1: ECO2-- parameter ontology encompassing concepts and relationships useful for investigations in {biodiversity and ecosystem} functionSW1: ECO2-- parameter ontology encompassing concepts and relationships useful for investigations in {biodiversity and ecosystem} function SW2: ECO2CL-- constraint language for specifying pre- and post-conditions for anaytical and data transformation steps on the Anaytical Pipeline. This might be more an SMS deliverable technically, but KR needs to provide input on the capabilities of the language based on domain-experience with modeling and analysis.SW2: ECO2CL-- constraint language for specifying pre- and post-conditions for anaytical and data transformation steps on the Anaytical Pipeline. This might be more an SMS deliverable technically, but KR needs to provide input on the capabilities of the language based on domain-experience with modeling and analysis. SW3: ECO2alt-- parameter ontology encompassing same concepts as ECO2, but independently derived in order to explore means for aligning and integrating alternative ontologiesSW3: ECO2alt-- parameter ontology encompassing same concepts as ECO2, but independently derived in order to explore means for aligning and integrating alternative ontologies SW4: Graphical application to visualize, and possibly edit parameter ontologies and constraint languagesSW4: Graphical application to visualize, and possibly edit parameter ontologies and constraint languages

10 Milestones Milestone1 (Feb 28, 2003): determination of Working Group participantsMilestone1 (Feb 28, 2003): determination of Working Group participants Milestone2 (Apr 15, 2003): background materials and candidate technologies up for examination/discussion; first meeting scheduledMilestone2 (Apr 15, 2003): background materials and candidate technologies up for examination/discussion; first meeting scheduled Milestone3 (May 1, 2003): initial follow-up tasks defined based on Milestone 2 discussionsMilestone3 (May 1, 2003): initial follow-up tasks defined based on Milestone 2 discussions Milestone4 (June 1, 2003): initial tasks reports; meeting soon thereafter; deliverable of “disposable ontology” and report on process?Milestone4 (June 1, 2003): initial tasks reports; meeting soon thereafter; deliverable of “disposable ontology” and report on process?

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