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19 Sept 2011 Objective: Introduction to the Big 5 Religions Warm-up: 1.What is religion? 2.Name as many religions as you can.

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Presentation on theme: "19 Sept 2011 Objective: Introduction to the Big 5 Religions Warm-up: 1.What is religion? 2.Name as many religions as you can."— Presentation transcript:

1 19 Sept 2011 Objective: Introduction to the Big 5 Religions Warm-up: 1.What is religion? 2.Name as many religions as you can.

2 Religion is…. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.


4 Supreme Being

5 Founder, Date and Place Jesus, 32 A.D., Israel Mohammed, 622 A.D., Saudi Arabia Abraham, 586 B.C.E., Israel Siddhartha Gautama, 500 B.C.E., India Many, 1500 B.C.E., India


7 Sacred Writing Bible Quran Torra Tipitaka Bhagavada gita

8 Place of Worship Church Mosque Synagogue Temple

9 Main Beliefs Christianity- Jesus was son of God (Heaven) Islam – 5 Pillars (Heaven) Judaism – 10 commandments (Heaven) Buddhism – 4 noble truths (8 fold path) to reach Nirvana Hinduism – reincarnation to attain Moksha

10 4 noble truths

11 8 fold path Correct thought: avoiding covetousness, the wish to harm others and wrong views (like thinking: actions have no consequences, I never have any problems, there are no ways to end suffering etc.) Correct speech: avoid lying, divisive and harsh speech and idle gossip. Correct actions: avoid killing, stealing and sexual misconduct Correct livelihood: try to make a living with the above attitude of thought, speech and actions. Correct understanding: developing genuine wisdom. (The last three aspects refer mainly to the practice of meditation:)meditation Correct effort: after the first real step we need joyful perseverance to continue. Correct mindfulness: try to be aware of the "here and now", instead of dreaming in the "there and then". Correct concentration: to keep a steady, calm and attentive state of mind

12 Symbol

13 Sects Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox Sunni, Shiite Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed Mahayana, Theravada, Tibetan Vaishnavites, Shaivites

14 World population %, number 1.9 Billion  33% China, India, United States 1.1 Billion  21% Indonesia, Pakistan 13 Million .22 % Israel, United States 325 Million  6% China, Thailand 793 Million  14% India, Nepal


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