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I. Rejoice Always (16). What must I do? Rejoice Only sinners may be miserable (guilt) Rejoicing shows gratitude for blessings 1. Physical blessings, Mt.5:45.

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Presentation on theme: "I. Rejoice Always (16). What must I do? Rejoice Only sinners may be miserable (guilt) Rejoicing shows gratitude for blessings 1. Physical blessings, Mt.5:45."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Rejoice Always (16)

2 What must I do? Rejoice Only sinners may be miserable (guilt) Rejoicing shows gratitude for blessings 1. Physical blessings, Mt.5:45 2. Spiritual blessings, Jn.3:16; Ac.8; 16

3 Who must rejoice? Persecuted Christians (1:6; 2:14; 3:2-4)! Spiritual blessings surpass tragedies, Hab.3:17-18. Blessing Blessing: what brings us closer to God, and weans us from the world

4 String of Pearls Mt.5:12 Ac.16:23,25 2 Co.6:10 Col.1:24 Hb.10:34 1 Pt.4:12-13

5 Why rejoice? 1. Grumbling (12-13), impatience (14), retaliation (15) create gloom, pessimism 2. Joy is contagious and optimistic. Ac.27 3. Fruit of Spirit, Ga.5:22 4. Grief is sign of unbelievers (1 Th.4:13) 5. We’re going home (1 Th.4:17)

6 When to rejoice? Always, at all times Paul Opposed, Ph.1:12-18 Lost all, Ph.3:1-8 Weeping, Ph.3:18-19 Rejoicing, Ph.3:1 Joy, Ph.4:1 Rejoicing, Ph.4:4 TemporaryPermanent

7 I. Rejoice Always (16) II. Pray Without Ceasing (17)

8 Paul set the example (1 Th.1:2-3) Without ceasing: constantly  Not nonstop prayers  Regularly, in all circumstances Praying…as natural as breathing night and day Laboring, 1 Th.2:9 Praying, 1 Th.3:10

9 Paul breaks into prayers (3:11-13) Neh.2 Pray when... Things go well, 1 Th.1:2 Persecuted, Dn.6; Lk.18 Hurting, Job. Ac.2 Concerned, 1 Th.3:9-10 Elijah, 1 K.17; 18 Ja.5:17-18

10 I. Rejoice Always (16) III. In Everything Give Thanks (18) I. Pray Without Ceasing (17)

11 Infor In everything, not for everything (1:2) “What about Eph.5:20?”  Context: things we now possess  Give thanks even in suffering Ep.3:9, create all things? Ep.6:21, know all things? Gal.1: fall from grace; apostasy

12 Summary ineverything Be thankful in everything...  Regardless of circumstances  Spiritual profit may come from it Joseph, Gn.50 Paul, Ac.16 All, Ja.1:2-4

13 “God wants me to be happy” But not in sin! For this is the will of God (5:18; 4:3)  This is how God wants us to live Constant Prayer Joy Thanksgiving Ro.1:21

14 “What can I do?” 1. Rejoice, pray, give thanks. 2. Christians are not sad, gloomy, miserable people.

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