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©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20121 Woods Creek Update My annual opportunity to Promote my Practice or my Passion.

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Presentation on theme: "©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20121 Woods Creek Update My annual opportunity to Promote my Practice or my Passion."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20121 Woods Creek Update My annual opportunity to Promote my Practice or my Passion

2 ©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20122 What I’ve Learned About Public Education A year since I joined the School Board w Public Education is MUCH better than you’ve been told Bad data is used to demonstrate how broken it is w Lots of good progress – reforms that have worked TPEP, Better Data, ALE, Schools of Innovation w Reform movement going in the wrong direction ! Focus on TESTS - g etting better at the wrong things! Do you want creative, innovative, capable folks?

3 ©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20123 My favorite quotes We aren’t getting worse – we’ve always been bad (Yong Zhao) w If test results are the measure; we’ve been bad for over 50 years w While maintaining the strongest economy, highest number of entrepreneurs, and own the most patents w China is BEST at tests; Lack creativity Education used to teach our kids, now we want Ed to raise them w Enormous increases in expectations (Jamie Vollmer) w Inadequate funding The key correlation is family income w We don’t have an Education problem, we have a Poverty Problem

4 ©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20124 Some Reading for You Yong Zhao w “Catching up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization” w “World Class Learner: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students” Jamie Vollmer w “Schools Cannot Do It Alone” w Vollmer’s List – google the list

5 ©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20125 Monroe Public Schools Bad Press but Great Results! w One Size does NOT fit all - State leader in Options for kids w Largest Parent Partnership in the state w SVEC is one of only 22 Schools of Innovation w SAT Scores that were some of the highest in the nation w Four National Merit Scholars this year w OSPI Award for an extended graduation rate over 90% w BAD report card on OSPI! Zillow gave us a 5 on a ten point scale

6 ©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20126 Demonstration Projects 1. To figure out bite size pieces Marketing / communications Technology 2. So we can all help It will take all of us to make this really work! This group is an amazing resource! 3. A gift to the other districts Monroe as a Pilot After we figure it out, I’ll document it and give it to other districts You can take the ideas and implement them in your schools

7 ©Woods Creek Consulting Company, 20127 Call to Action – Help with Projects 1. Communication Project PR, Marketing, Story Telling Website work 2. Technology Project wIn the classroom and office wHardware, software, tools, tips 3. Leave me a business card Write “I want to help” on the back You or your people

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