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 Global Disparities of Wealth and Change MR. KARNES IB GEOGGRAPHY.

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Presentation on theme: " Global Disparities of Wealth and Change MR. KARNES IB GEOGGRAPHY."— Presentation transcript:

1  Global Disparities of Wealth and Change MR. KARNES IB GEOGGRAPHY

2  What does it mean to be an IB student studying global disparities of wealth and change? MR. KARNES IB GEOGGRAPHY

3  Anyone can study this stuff! What makes you special!?

4  Are you capable of having a positive impact on our world? If so, what are your ideas for solving these problems?

5 Disparities of Wealth and Change  Objectives  Explain disparities and inequities that occur within countries because of ethnicity, residence, parental education, income, employment (formal and informal) and land ownership.

6 Disparities of Wealth and Change  Objectives  We are going to explain what the disparities and inequities actually are.

7 Disparities of Wealth and Change  Why do disparities arise?

8 Disparities of Wealth and Change  The world has never produced so much food.  There is enough rice and wheat to feed every person on Earth not including fruits or vegetables  Farmers prefer to dump food rather than sell it for a low price  Must think of food as a commodity  Insufficiently distributed  Food Aid – Can make things worse The Problems!

9 Disparities of Wealth and Change  Disparities in access to food  Why do farmers in LEDCs produce less food?  Problems LECD  Subsistence farming  Traditional farming methods  Poor Storage Facilities  Small divided landholdings  Absentee landlords – essentially feudalism  No Specialization – Not experts  Agribusiness – Food ≠ Commercial Products  OVERALL ITS NOT EFFICIENT

10 Disparities of Wealth and Change  Solutions  High Yield Varieties  Irrigation  Chemical pesticides and fertilizers  Mechanical Technology

11 Disparities of Wealth and Change  Disparities in access to shelter  Shortage of housing  LEDCs – Spend money on food  No development of large – scale low – cost housing  Rural – urban migration – effects  Shanties

12 Disparities of Wealth and Change  Disparities in access to health and education  Basic illness  Poor Education - Results  Mutating diseases – lack of nutrition – strong immune system – transportation  Poor water quality  Malaria  Bilharzia

13  In groups, study the following slides and compose thoughtful responses to each of the previous questions?

14  Each group will create a PPT and present a well organized presentation on the causes of global disparity and on ideas for how to solve them.

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