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 The Sea: The Greeks heavily relied on the sea both for travel and trade.  The Land: Lots of mountains isolated different Greek States.

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3  The Sea: The Greeks heavily relied on the sea both for travel and trade.  The Land: Lots of mountains isolated different Greek States.

4  The First group of people to settle in Greece.  Ruled Greece from 1600 BC to 1100 BC.  Emphasized the importance of sea trade.


6  10 year war fought against Troy over a Trojan prince kidnapping Helen, the wife of a Greek king.  Inspired countless legendary stories. Although the details are unclear, a battle did occur at Troy at that time.

7  Group that controlled Greece when the Mycenaeans declined.  Ruled 1200 BC to 750 BC and caused Greek Dark Age by not promoting trade or writing.

8  Blind storyteller who is one of the only sources of information from the period of the Dorians through his epics.

9  Narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds. The Trojan War inspired the epic, the Iliad.

10  A rich set of traditional stories about the Greek Gods developed over time.  Used to explain the forces of nature and human emotions.

11  As you watch the clip from Troy, respond in 1- 2 paragraphs to the following questions.  1. Do you feel that the story of the Battle of Troy is true and to what extent do you believe it to be true or false?  2. Why do you think epics and legends play such a big role in society?  3. What are some examples of epics and legends in your own life?

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14  Another name for City-State  The foundational unit for political organization

15  Fortified hilltop of a city that was the location where citizens gathered to discuss government

16  Rule by a single individual.  1st of the forms of City-State Government

17  Rule by a small group of noble landowning families.  2 nd of the forms of City-State Government

18  Rule by a group of powerful individuals (wealth did not matter, only status)  3 rd of the forms of City- State Government

19  Name given to rulers from any system that seized power for themselves.

20  Rule by the people.  First used in Athens where citizens directly participated in decision making.  However only a select few people were granted citizenship

21  Primarily only for wealthy men.  Began around the age of 7 and focused on preparing boys to be good citizens with literature, public speaking, athletics, and military training.  Women learned from their mothers how to do things at home.

22  Military state, not democracy.  Relied on slaves called helots to function as a city.  Government: Two Kings, General Assembly, and Council of Elders.  Male citizens’ lives centered around the military  Women were expected to be physically fit to produce strong Spartan Men

23  Between Persian Empire and Greek Alliance in 546 BC.  Multiple Wars and battles, all resulting in Persian defeat.  Greeks were successful because of a strong navy as well a strong infantry formation called a phalanx.  As a result of the wars, Greece was allowed to develop in safety and prospered.





28  Athenian General who ruled over Athens during its’ “Golden Age”.  He was a skilled politician, public speaker, and had three goals:  1. Strengthen Democracy  2. Strengthen the Athenian Empire  3. Glorify Athens

29  Government where citizens rule directly and not through representatives.  Introduced by Pericles and all male Athenian Citizens took part in (assembly).

30  Athens led a group of City- States called the Delian League.  Athens dominated through its’ navy.  Athens began massive construction projects.

31  New Form of Art that valued harmony, order, balance, and proportion. Portrayed ideal beauty.

32  A serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, and betrayal. Focused on a Hero.

33  The opposite of tragedies and contained slapstick situations and crude humor. Often made fun of politics.

34  War between Athens (Strong Navy) and Sparta (Strong Army)  Sparta was the winner.  This marked the end of Athenian dominance and left the door open for a new City-State to gain control.


36  Greek word that translates to lovers of wisdom. All based their ideas on 2 assumptions:  1. The universe is put together in an orderly way, and subject to absolute and unchanging laws.  2. People understand these laws through logic and reason.

37  Agreed that there were absolute truths but believed humans should question and go farther in thinking.  He was accused of corrupting the minds of youth and was put to death.

38  Student of Socrates.  Believed in a perfect society where people would be in 3 groups, farmers/artisans, warriors, and the ruling class. Believed that the smartest should be in the ruling class.

39  Student of Plato who believed in finding the origin of things.  Created a step by step system to solving a problem (the scientific method).


41  King of Macedonia and father of Alexander.  Life-long goal was to conquer all of Greece. (He accomplished this in 338 BC)

42  Kingdom directly north of Greece.  Consider themselves Greek in culture but were looked down upon by Greek City- States as backwards and barbarians.

43  Took the throne after the assassination of Phillip. (Only 20 years old)  Using a United Greek Army, he conquered most of the known world in 13 years.

44  King of Persia who fought against Alexander.  Killed by his own soldiers when he failed in stopping Alexander.

45  Greeks were always outnumbered but relied on well trained phalanx (infantry) and cavalry.  Refused to negotiate and pushed beyond Persia to India.


47  Alexander stopped when he could not conquer India and his troops wanted to go home.  Died suddenly of a fever without naming an heir, so his empire was divided among his generals.


49  The blending of Greek with other cultures as a result of Alexander’s conquests.  Language, writing, philosophy, architecture, education, and more was shared.

50  Egyptian city that became the trade, education, and artistic center of Hellenistic Culture.

51  Mathematician in Alexandria whose form of Geometry became the standard for all schools.

52  Scientist who estimated the value of Pi and explained physics concepts such as the lever, pulley, and ramp.

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