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RTQ 2008. The Round Table Questionnaire Answers from 16 European states 1 new member state (from 2007) 4 fairly new member states (from 2004) 10 old member.

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Presentation on theme: "RTQ 2008. The Round Table Questionnaire Answers from 16 European states 1 new member state (from 2007) 4 fairly new member states (from 2004) 10 old member."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTQ 2008

2 The Round Table Questionnaire Answers from 16 European states 1 new member state (from 2007) 4 fairly new member states (from 2004) 10 old member states 1 non member state 2 P5874

3 Were the wages increased? 3 P5874

4 Wages increased in… Belgium, Bulgaria and Norway 6% Finland 3.5-4.5% France from 0.8% in public administrations to 2.98% in private theatres. Germany 2.9% for state and city theatre artists and + additional payment for the latter of 54€ Sweden and The Netherlands between 3% and 3.5% Estonia wage increase but cut during the year, employers trying to cut down on wages (because cuts in funding). Denmark, Spain, UK 4 P5874

5 Policy issues and changes in law in 2008 State funding in Norway, 1% of GNP by 2014 in Finland by 20%/year in Estonia and Hungary Financial crisis The Netherlands is the country currently less affected. Estonia, Denmark, Hungary and Bulgaria are the most affected. Copyright Actions taken in: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, UK Laws in preparation in: The Netherlands 5 P5874

6 Main policy issues and law changes in 2008 Czech Republic: new State Cultural Policy for 2009-2014, new taxation system, new labour law Estonia: new Employment Contracts Act, abandonment of reduced VAT rate for cultural event tickets Finland: law on financing of orchestras and theatres (extra 20% in 2008, 2009, 2010), new cultural policy programme being defined. 6 P5874

7 Main policy issues and law changes in 2008 France: -Law on modernisation of the labour market; -Increase of retirement age to 70; -Law modifying representativeness of the unions on the national level; -« Entretiens de Valois » (discussion and negociation State/Municipalities/Social Partners on Performing Arts Policies); -Law « Hadopi » against internet piracy 7 P5874

8 Main policy issues and law changes in 2008 Germany: non smoking law, change in the law on arms with exemption for theatre performances Hungary: new law on Performing Arts (definitions, rules and regulations), modification of tax law (foreign artists only levied on the net profit) The Netherlands: law in preparation on collecting societies, moratorium on increasing payments on author’s rights for 08/09. 8 P5874

9 Main policy issues and law changes in 2008 Spain: new law on Theatre in discussion in the Parliament, overdue payments of subsidies or bills by public administration to cultural organisations (Faeteda study). Sweden: change in labour law (more flexibility for employers) and extensive report on the Cultural Policy. UK: temporary reduction in VAT (17.5% to 15%) from 01/12/08 until 01/01/2010. 9 P5874

10 VAT Rates on performances in 2008 10 P5874

11 Inflation rates in 2008 11 P5874


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