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GPS Example of how GPS works (Global Positioning System)

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Presentation on theme: "GPS Example of how GPS works (Global Positioning System)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GPS Example of how GPS works (Global Positioning System)

2 There are 24 satellites in orbit around the earth.


4 Suppose one knows that he is 625 miles from Boise, Idaho. That is the only information he has. Does he know where he is?

5 Now, suppose he knows that he is 690 miles from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Now, does he know where he is?

6 Now, let’s add that he knows that he is 615 miles from Tucson, Arizona. Now, does he know where he is?

7 GPS Satellites put out a signal three dimensional, not two dimensional like the flat circles, so it creates a sphere. Because it creates overlapping spheres the GPS unit can tell elevation in addition to longitude and latitude.

8 Satellites circling the earth.


10 12345678910 a b c d e f g

11 123456789 a b c d e f g

12 Cartesian Coordinate System


14 Vocabulary: CITO- Cache In Trash Out Waypoint- Reference point for a physical location on earth Muggled- The act of vandalizing or stealing a cache Travel bug- A trackable tag that may be attached to a item in a geocache GPS- Global Positioning System Coordinate- Any of the magnitudes that serve to define a position of a point Geocaching- A world wide game of hiding and seeking treasures BYOP- Bring your own pen/pencil

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