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European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Interactive Analyst Briefing - 8 November 2002 Morten Soegaard, Research Analyst.

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Presentation on theme: "European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Interactive Analyst Briefing - 8 November 2002 Morten Soegaard, Research Analyst."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Interactive Analyst Briefing - 8 November 2002 Morten Soegaard, Research Analyst Pharmaceuticals Group

2 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Aim and purpose of the report Overview of technologies in development Drivers and restraints for inhalation insulin Strategic challenges Revenue forecasts Conclusions Agenda

3 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Aim of the report Methodology Segmentation Insulin Oral diabetes medications Inhalation insulin About the research

4 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes ExuberaAventis/Pfizer/InhaleLate 2004 AerodoseAerogen2007 TechnospheresPDC2008 AERx iDMSNovo Nordisk/AradigmEarly 2006 AIREli Lilly/Alkermes2008 Technology LaunchCompany Technologies in Development

5 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Unmet need for non-invasive insulin delivery Increased use of insulin in type 2 diabetes Price of treatment Concerns over safety Emerging non-invasive delivery technologies Other emerging treatments for diabetes Drivers for Inhalation Insulin Restraints for Inhalation Insulin Drivers and Restraints

6 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Time to market Pricing / Reimbursement Device advantage Relative competitiveness Profitability Future Competitive Environment

7 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Identifying a medical need More than a convenience technology Expanding the patient base Wider reimbursement Private market Strategic Challenges

8 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Launch: mid 2005 $m Benelux Region: Revenue Forecasts

9 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes Technologies only marginally different Strong focus on marketing effort Notable insulin market share, but from few patients Conclusions

10 European Commercial Potential for Inhalation Drug Delivery in Diabetes For more information contact us on: Tel: +44 (0) 20 7343 8383 Email: Any Questions?

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