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Teaching the Concepts of Genetics

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1 Teaching the Concepts of Genetics
Presented by: Keith Madden Alvin Essenberg Kasi Bolden Susan Rathwick

2 Drosophila Basic Studying the Monohybrid Cross
Cost: $87.95 Presented by Alvin Essenburg

3 Kit Includes Anesthetizer Sorting brushes Culture containers
Instant Drosophila medium Teacher's Notes Supplies Needed: Wild and Sepia Drosophila cultures (not part of cost) Disecting Scope (Magnifying glasses are difficult to use)

4 Procedure Step 1: Remove all Sepia adults from culture
Mature adult females can't be used because they can store sperm for their entire life Sepia

5 Procedure 2. When new fruit flies hatch in Sepia culture:
Remove all adults in Sepia culture within 6-8 hrs. Sort and isolate females for 3-4 days in new culture tube. Sepia Sepia females Sepia males

6 Sorting Male and Female



9 Procedure 3. Setup new culture tubes.
Place 5 Sepia female and 5 Wild males in each. (P generation) Sepia Female Wild Sepia Female x Wild Male

10 Procedure Flies will breed and lay eggs. Sepia Female x Wild Male

11 Procedure 4. After 7-10 days, before new flies hatch, remove all adults. Sepia Female x Wild Male

12 Procedure 5. New flies will be the F1 generation, remove adults within 6-8 hours and tally each species All will be Wild (Red eyes) F1 generation

13 Procedure 6. As new F1 generation flies hatch, place 5 male and 5 female F1 in a new culture. F1 generation F1 x F1

14 Procedure 6. As new F1 generation flies hatch, place 5 male and 5 female F1 in a new culture. F1 generation F1 x F1

15 Procedure 7. Remove adults within 6-8 hours and tally each species
New flies will be the F2 generation. About ¼ should hatch as Sepia F1 x F1

16 Evaluation Pros Students get to actually do a monohybrid cross
High interest lab Cons Very time consuming and scheduled Medium grew mold easily May be difficult for students to sort flies at home Could choose different varieties that can't fly

17 Protein Synthesis Flinn Scientific FB1760 $46.30
Kasi L. Bolden Washington H.S.

18 Protein Synthesis Objective: The objective is to show how individual genes are translated into protein chains. Experiment overview: In this activity, models of mRNA, tRNA, amino acids and ribosomes will be used to better understand protein synthesis.

19 Teaching Tips Students should know where transcription and translation occurs. Student should know that the triplet of bases brought by tRNA are anticodons and is complementary to an mRNA codon. Students should have a basic understanding of nucleic acids, transcriptions and translation before beginning the activity. A summary discussion after each step may be worthwhile to be sure of students’ comprehension before moving on to the next step.

20 Materials Ribosome mRNA strand tRNA Amino acid round chips, 20 (10)
Label, round 20(10) Marker Tape, double stick Tape, transparent *Protein Synthesis Worksheet( not provided)

21 Protein Synthesis Questionnaire
Does the lab present protein synthesis in the proper sequence so students will gain understanding? Yes or No  Are there any materials that can be substituted or eliminated?  Do you think the first and second steps of the procedure are necessary? Do you feel it’s necessary to teach the importance of 3’ & 5’?  Please list any flaws in this activity. List any flaw that may cause confusion

22 Analyzing Population Growth Kit
Carolina Item # Price $99.95 Analyzing Population Growth Kit Materials for 32 students working in groups of 4

23 Objectives/Learning Goals
Students analyze the effects of resources on yeast as they explore population growth.

24 Objectives/Learning Goals
Develop the skills necessary to design & perform scientific investigations Produce a testable hypothesis Investigate the effects of environmental conditions on a model lab species

25 Objectives/Learning Goals
Derive the relationship between resource quality and population growth Develop connections with the key concepts of logistic and exponential growth, carrying capacity, and population pyramids

26 Materials Supplied 32 petri dishes Parafilm®
4 yeast malt media bottles 100 pipets (graduated) 9 sterile pipets 9 yeast packets 18 g lactose 30 ml excess nitrate 2 sheets black construction paper 8 fine-point permanent markers 8 inoculating loops 40 test tubes 16 Lazy-L-Spreaders™

27 Materials Not Supplied
Safety glasses Heat-resistant gloves 8 glass beakers, 400ml 8 Bunsen burners 8 flint lighters 1 gallon distilled H2O 8 hot plates 8 dissecting scopes 8 thermometers Laboratory balances Weight boats 2 spatulas 8 graduated cylinders, 100 ml 8 flasks, 125 ml

28 Background Vocabulary
Age ratio Carrying capacity Demographics Emigration Population pyramid Exponential growth Immigration Logistic growth Population resources

29 Lab Could Be Used During the Study of…..
Interdependence of organisms Behavior of organisms Population growth Natural resources Environmental quality Natural & human-induced hazards

30 Background Knowledge Exponential growth – if a population is not limited by resources, and increases at a faster rate as the number of individuals increases.

31 Logistic growth - describes a growth rate that levels off and is maintained.

32 Population pyramid – graph showing how the total population is split among various age brackets.

33 Yeast- microscopic, unicellular fungi able to live with our without O2

34 Plate streaking techniques

35 Activity #1 Requires students to fill 3 test tubes with yeast and either glucose or lactose as a food source. Test tubes are covered and placed in a hot water bath 35-40° C. Students will record growth in 2 minute intervals for a total of 10 minutes A fourth tube is filled as a control group. Results are shared among the teams

36 Activity #2 Requires students to choose 1 of four treatments they hypothesize will produce the most growth in the yeast population Treatments Glucose Lactose Nitrate Light intensity

37 Students are required to write their hypothesis and reasoning for this in their lab notebook
Procedures are provided for each of the 4 treatments students will choose. After the plates are prepared they will invert and leave for three days

38 After 3 days the groups will decide how to rate the growth in the petri dishes, writing down the comparative data in their lab notebook and creating a bar graph to display the data Students analyze the results

39 Prior to Step 1 (follow the first step in Activity 1)
Warm up a beaker of 40 mL distilled water to about 30-40°C. Remove from heat and add 3.5 g of yeast Cover it with a 4-square block of Parafilm® Let yeast activate for 10 minutes

40 Comparative Proteomics Kit I: Protein Profiler Module
Bio-Rad EDU 32 students List Price: $203.75 Refill: $ 94.00

41 Comparative Proteomics Kit I: Protein Profiler Module
Laemmli sample buffer Kaleidoscope™ prestained standards Tris-glycine-SDS electrophoresis buffer Bio-Safe™ Coomassie stain for proteins Actin and myosin standard Dithiothreitol (DTT) Pipet tips for gel loading Test tubes,transfer pipets, gel-staining trays, test tube holders Teacher's Guide, Student Manual, and graphic Quick Guide

42 Required Accessories Not Included in Kit
Fish samples 5–8 types Adjustable micropipets, 2–20 µl Power supplies Water bath If using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: Vertical gel electrophoresis chambers Precast polyacrylamide gels

43 Is There Something Fishy About Teaching Evolution?

44 Can Biomolecular Evidence Be Used to Determine Evolutionary Relationships?
Traits are the result of Structure and Function Proteins determine structure and function DNA codes for proteins that confer traits DNA -> RNA -> Protein -> Trait Changes in DNA lead to proteins with: Different functions Novel traits Positive, negative, or no effects Genetic diversity provides pool for natural selection = evolution

45 Explore Biochemical Evidence for Evolution
Analyze protein profiles from a variety of fish Study protein structure/function Use polyacrylamide electrophoresis to separate proteins by size Construct cladograms using data from students’ gel analysis Compare biochemical and phylogenetic relationships. Sufficient materials for 8 student workstations Can be completed in three 45 minute lab sessions

46 Workshop Timeline Introduction Sample Preparation
Load and electrophorese protein samples Compare protein profiles Construct cladograms

47 Sample Preparation Lab Period 1 Label one 1.5 ml fliptop tube for each of five fish samples. Also label one screwcap micro tube for each fish sample. Add 250 μl of Bio-Rad Laemmli sample buffer to each labeled fliptop microtube. Cut a piece of each fish muscle about 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.25 cm3 and transfer each piece into a labeled fliptop tube. (Close the lid!)

48 Sample Preparation Lab Period 1 (con’t) Agitate the tissue in the sample buffer; Incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature. Carefully transfer the buffer labeled screwcap tube. Do not transfer the fish! Heat the fish samples in screwcap microtubes for 5 minutes at 95°C. Freeze until lab period 2.

49 Electrophoresis Lab Period 2 Heat extracted fish samples and actin and myosin standard to 95°C for 2–5 min. This dissolves any detergent in the extraction (Laemmli) buffer that may have precipitated upon freezing.

50 Electrophoresis Lab Period 2 (con’t) Load your gel:
5 μl Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope prestained standards (Stds) 10 μl fish sample 1 10 μl fish sample 2 10 μl fish sample 3 10 μl actin and myosin standard (AM)

51 Electrophoresis Lab Period 2 (con’t) Electrophorese for 30 minutes at 200 V in 1x TGS electrophoresis buffer. After electrophoresis, stain the sample with 25 ml Bio-Safe Coomassie blue stain per gel. Stain gel for 1 hour, with gentle shaking for best results.

52 Electrophoresis Lab Period 3 Destain gels in water for at least 30 minutes to overnight, changing the water at least once. Blue-stained bands will be visible on a clear gel after destaining.

53 Analysis Lab Period 3 (con’t) Correlate bands of fish samples with AM and Kaleidoscope standards. Check online protein database for correlation of sample proteins with those of the species in the databases. Guided by similarity of protein content, draw cladogram relating fish species.

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