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1. God’s will and your Life Exodus 3:1-12; 4:10-17, p. 54, 55.

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2 1. God’s will and your Life Exodus 3:1-12; 4:10-17, p. 54, 55

3 A Journey God’s will and your life John 15:5 – the vine and the branches  Intimate dependence on Jesus  With Him we bear fruit  Apart from Him we bear nothing Encounters with God aren’t safe or comfortable...... they are GOOD.

4 1. God S EES Exodus 3:7 –  He sees the problems  He hears the Cries of our hearts  He cares  He is acting to solve the problems (John 5:17) His way, according to his timetable

5 2. He S AVES Exodus 3:8  Jesus came to save the world, not condemn it (John 3:17) Nothing to do with us ??? Its all in the HOW?  God sees, he hears, he acts to Save!  HOW?

6 3. He S PEAKS God speaks to Moses (Ex 3:2-4)  A Jewish refugee in Midian, wanted for murder (Ex 2:11-15)  Subtle – Flames in a bush that doesn’t burn up.  He had to NOTICE – not busy with other things  Moses wasn’t looking for God, he was tending sheep.  He went over to look  God called him Notice God at work around you – celebrate it, participate.

7 4. He S ENDS I am sending you (Ex 3:10-11) Jesus sends us (John 20:21, Matt 28:18-20) Moses objects – who am I? (nobody) (v. 11)  God says, “I will be with you.” I will give you a SIGN (v. 12)  The sign comes AFTER he’s been faithful

8 4. He S ENDS... Moses had other objections too –  WHO sent you? (Ex 3: 13 ff)  How do we know he sent YOU? (Ex 4:1-9) “I am not eloquent” (Exodus 4:10)  Moses looked at himself and said the task was above him  God said he would help  Moses still begged “please send someone else” (v. 13) We must look to God (1 Cor 1: 26-29)

9 4. He S ENDS... God gives him an out – Aaron. (v 16)  God extends grace to Moses  He brought someone alongside to help him. Who wants to be Aaron?  He’s the Lackey, the helper  God meets with Moses; Moses meets with Aaron  Clarifying our access to God (Jer 31:34; Ezek 36:26; Heb 10:19f)  We are still a body with different roles to play (1 Cor 12:12-14; Rom 12:4-5)  We are dependent on each other (Eph 4:11-12)

10 5. He S UPPORTS Exodus 4:15  Help  Teach Moses and Aaron had tough choices to make. So do we, every day.


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