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 1974 Australian Government passed a treaty (world heritage)  Tasmania wanted part of their state protected- included Franklin Dam area  Change of.

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2  1974 Australian Government passed a treaty (world heritage)  Tasmania wanted part of their state protected- included Franklin Dam area  Change of government happened in Tasmania  New government wanted to dam Franklin River (Gordon River)  Federal opposed  Went to High Court – decided in favour of the Commonwealth  S.51 (xxix) external affairs  High Court was interpreting the Constitution  This counts for half the marks. Other half relates to the impacts of the case.

3  Interpreting the words ‘external affairs’ has given more powers to the Commonwealth and reduced some residual powers of all states.  Eg: Terrorism – international issue  Healthcare


5  Taxation used to be an exclusive power (1920’s and 30’s)  S.96 – Federal can give a grant and put conditions on it (tied grants)  1942 – Uniform Tax Case -Commonwealth vs Victoria  High Court found in favour of the Commonwealth

6  Reduction in residual powers  Exclusive powers have been expanded  They can now access residual powers if they’re giving money  Eg: education – aims test (2005)  S.96 allows the Commonwealth to start touching residual powers

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