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Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations Pre-Columbian Society in North and South America.

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Presentation on theme: "Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations Pre-Columbian Society in North and South America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations Pre-Columbian Society in North and South America

2 MesoAmerica Maya, then Aztecs = dominant civilizations built on the foundation of earlier civilizations eg: Olmec (the big head people) –Maize –Ball games –Temple pyramids/ritual human sacrifice –Astronomy/calendar

3 Aztecs – green Maya - brown

4 Maya Height – 600CE-900CE Culturally united (NOT POLITICALLY) –City-states –Polytheistic –Nobles/Priests = elite class –Innovative agriculture b/c of poor soil (chinampas, terraces, irrigation) –Glyph writing/zero –Downfall? Overtaxed environment, internal warfare

5 Maya – Tikal


7 What’s he up to?



10 Theatre State tallest building in the Americas until the Flatiron Bldg. in1903

11 Writing Styles



14 Aztecs Height – 1300CE-1500CE Invading conquerors from N. Mexico Tenochtitlan – capital w/Emperor Important families controlled outlying areas Conquered people had to give tribute Complex social hierarchy (nobles, priests, etc.) Human sacrifice, often – used to control populace which had been conquered by this migratory group




18 Inca 1400s-1500s South America (Andes Mts.) Military expansionists Governed territory of over 2,500 miles Use of our friend, the Llama Farmed potatoes on terraces God-kings = intermediaries b/t heaven and earth

19 Social Hierarchy Aristocrats lived privileged lives (fine foods, embroidered clothes, and large ears spools) –Spanish called them “big ears” Inca ear spools

20 Cuzco Capital city Connected to outlying areas by 16,000 m. of roads Royal family ruled outlying areas Tribute state - $$ to Cuzco, emperor ensured everyone has what they need Gov’t control – trade, labor, detailed census, centralized econ, etc.

21 Taxes often paid in labor (mit’a) Labor groups ayllu = extended family organized groups NO writing – used kipus!

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