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Study guide for The Odyssey

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1 Study guide for The Odyssey

2 Dramatic Structure of The Odyssey
Books 1-4 Telemakhos’ journey Books 6- 8 Odysseus travels to the land of the Phaiakinas and is entertained by them Books Odysseys tells of his journeys Books Odysseus returns to Ithaka and is reunited with Telemakhos Books Disguised as a beggar, Odysseus meets the suitors and Penelope Books Odysseus wins the bow contest, kills the suitors, and reveals himself to Penelope

3 Zeus

4 Athena

5 Telemakhos’ Journeys Advised by Athena disguised as Mentes and Mentor, Telemakhos travels to Pylos to see Nestor and to Sparta to see Menelaus and Helen to find news of his father.

6 Penelope weaves a shroud for Laertes and undoes her work at night to stall the suitors

7 Reconstruction of Nestor's Palace at Pylos

8 Everything in Nestor's kingdom at Pylos is running smoothly and just as it should. The people are on the beach making offerings to the Poseidon, and the region itself is described as full of "plowlands kind with grain,” with Pylos itself standing as a "compact stronghold.” Compare this with the chaos that rules back home in Ithaka!

9 Sparta

10 Hermes Hermes is sent by Zeus to tell Kalypso that she has
to let Odysseus go.

11 Osysseus has spent seven years on Kalypso’s island.
Jan Brueghel Odysseus & Calypso (c. 1600)

12 After leaving Kalypso, Odysseus lands on the land of the Phaeikians

13 Odysseus meets Nausikaa

14 Demodokhos, the blind bard at the court of Alkinoos


16 Book 9 Odysseus and his fleet leave Troy The Kikones (six men die)
The Lotus Eaters (temptation to forget home) The Kyklops (six men die)

17 The Kikones

18 DJERBA Island of the Lotus Eaters off the coast of Tunisia

19 The lotus

20 Odysseus and the Cyclops

21 Odysseus blinds Polyphemus

22 Odysseus escapes from Polyphemos’ cave hidden underneath a ram.

23 Polyphemus throws rocks at Odysseus’ ship as Odysseus provokes him with insults

24 Poseidon

25 Book 10 Aiolos Almost home (Odysseus sleeps and his companions disobey him) Laestrygonians (only Odysseus and his ship survive) Kirke

26 Aiolos, king of the winds

27 The Laestrygonians destroy the ships

28 Kirke transforms Odysseus men into pigs.

29 Kirke

30 Odysseus threatens Kirke.

31 Book 11 Travel to the Underworld
Elpenor, Teiresias, Antikleia, the wives or daughters of illustrious men, Agamemnon Achilles, Ajax, Minos, Orion, Tytos, Tantalos, Sisyphos, Herakles

32 Odysseus consults Thiresias

33 Book 12 Kirke The Sirens (temptation to forget home)
Skylla and Kharybdis (six men die) Helios - The island of the sun (Odysseus sleeps and his companions disobey him) Odysseus is the only survivor. Kalypso

34 The Sirens

35 Odysseus and the Sirens

36 Skylla

37 Skylla and Kharybdis

38 Helios, the god of the sun

39 Helios

40 Shipwreck after killing the cattle of Helios

41 Kalypso

42 Odysseus is brought to Ithaka by the Phaeiakians

43 Ithaka Bay

44 Odysseus transformed into an old man by Athena

45 Odysseus disguised as a beggar

46 Eurykleia washing Odysseus’ feet

47 Odysseus the archer


49 Odysseus Slaying the Suitor (Painting on red cup, ca 400 BC)

50 The Return of Odysseus Artist: Pinturicchio 1509 AD

51 Odysseus, Penelope, Telemakhos, Laertes, Antikleia
Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Hermes Alkinoos, Arete, Nausikaa the Kikones, the Lotus Eaters, Calypso, the Laestrigonians, Polyphemos, Kirke, Eurykleia, Eumaios, Malanthios Antinoos, Eurymakhos, Teiresias Agamemnon, Nestor, Menelaus, Helen

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