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Intro to Industrial Technology

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1 Intro to Industrial Technology

2 Ch.1 Objectives After completing this chapter students should be able to: Define Technology Tell/Explain the difference between science and technology describe technology as a dynamic area of knowledge relate specific technology to a specific era of time

3 Technology What is it? It is....
the technical means humans use to extend their potential the technical means humans use to improve surroundings the knowledge of using tools and machines to do tasks humans using knowledge, materials, tools, and systems to make their lives easier and/or better.

4 Technology Defined Technology is used to meet human needs and wants.
Technology is the use of tools, materials, and systems to extend human potential for controlling and modifying their environment. -HUMAN INOVATION IN ACTION

5 Why study about Technology?
If we study it, we can ... improve humans ability to do work. (Improve productivity) improve the quality of items that are produced/manufactured create new and develop better ways to meet the needs of humans deal better with new technologies and the exploding growth of technology calm fears associated with the changes created by technology.

6 Science vs. Technology Are they the same? Which comes first?

7 Science & Technology Science Education = Study of the natural laws of the universe. Scientist do research. Technology Education = Study of the man-made world. Technologist develop things. Humanities Education = Study of the relationships between groups of people. How science, technology, and people effect people.

8 Science & Technology (Cont’d)
Science and technology are connected and dependent upon each other, but different. Science deals with understanding our world and why things happen the way they do. Technology deals with doing things in our world. Humanities deal with human actions within the natural and human made worlds. Leave out any of these three type of knowledge and false judgments and operational mistakes will be made.

9 Technology: Ever Evolving!
Technology is not new to the human world. Humans create technology & always have. Primitive vs. Civilized Societies Primitive = does not try to control or improve their natural condition. Civilized = attempts to control or improve their natural condition.

10 Technology: Ever Evolving (Cont’d)
Civilized Society’s History is divided into major divisions (Ages or Eras) related to the “tools of the time” Stone Age – manipulated abundantly found items to create tools. Bronze Age – used processes to change metals into desired objects. Iron Age – used processes to build and create machines to do work. Industrial Age – “Industrial Revolution” – Mass production & Industry Information Age – using technology to enhance both materials and processes What’s Next ???????????????????

11 Technology Technology has always been a part of human existence!
It changes human lives and changes as life progresses! It makes life better for many people, but not always! It can create serious damage to people, society, and the environment! Technological people can properly develop, select, and responsibly use technology. This is the challenge to “YOU” !!!

12 Intro to Industrial Technology

13 Ch. 2 Objectives After completing this chapter students should be able to: Discuss technology as a response to human needs Discuss technology as a human-made system Discuss the parts of a technological system List and describe the inputs of technological systems Describe the two major types of processes used by technology Describe feedback as it is used in technological systems

14 Technology Systems What makes one? Technology Systems .....
work together to perform in a predictable way share common characteristics Arise out a human need They are designed and developed by people They integrate resources to produce outputs They have consequences to people, society, and environment They are evaluated by people In time they are modified or abandoned are totally human entities!!

15 Technology System Components
The components of a technological system are: Inputs: elements that flow into the system and are consumed Processes: action part of the system. Two Major Types. Outputs: desired and some undesired results of the system Feedback: regulates or makes adjustments to the system Goals: Reason for having the system. Two Major Goals!

16 Technological System INPUTS
Inputs into a technological system are: People: most important input; involved in every aspect of a system Materials: all natural matter that is directly or indirectly used in the system Tools: the technical means of manipulating parts of the system Energy: the ability to do work. Powers the processes Information: (knowledge & data) “I know and I understand!” Finances: Money needed to purchase resources required by the system Time: all activities in a system use time; fixed amount/day

17 Technological System Processes
All technological systems are characterized by action; steps to be taken. The steps to complete system tasks are called processes. There are two main types of processes – Problem-Solving Processes & Transformational Processes. Problem-Solving Processes involve procedures necessary to develop the technological system. These are the creative actions. Process uses the problem-solving model. Transformational Processes involve changing inputs into outputs Two major categories – Production Processes & Management Process.

18 Transformational Processes
Production Processes – Actions taken to change raw materials into products. They include: Analyzing – planning & design Obtaining – material receiving Producing – plant action taken on materials Delivering – getting the product out (shipping) Operating – people using & maintaining machines & tools Management Processes – Actions to ensure quality in production. Planning – establishment of plans Organizing – establishment of operational procedures Actuating – providing emphasis to start operations Controlling – directing and managing personnel

19 Technological System OUTPUTS
The entire reason for having a system. The desired output will meet a human need or want! Outputs = Desired, Undesired, & Unexpected results Desired Results – The reason the system is created! Undesired Results – Waste, Scrap, Pollution, Social Unrest Unexpected Results – Not anticipated or expected & may be good or bad.

20 Technological System Feedback
The adjustment, control, or evaluation tool of a system. This part maintains a functional and useful system that creates useful quality products. Without feedback a system has poor odds of making a useful or desired product.

21 Technological System Feedback (Cont’d)
Feedback monitors a system! Feedback controls a system! Feedback evaluates a system!

22 Technological System GOALS
There are two main general goals for every technological system. Must meet a human need or want !! Must create an opportunity to benefit the individual or company that creates it !!

23 Technology System Ch. 2 Summary
Technology Systems are developed: to create new technology to control a technology to enhance a technology to work in a predictable way & achieve desired results. for humans by humans to meet needs & wants

24 Technology System Ch. 2 Summary (Cont’d)
There are five parts to a Technology System Inputs: elements flowing into the system Processes: Actions taken to change inputs into outputs. Outputs: Results of the system Feedback: Regulates, maintains quality Goals: General reason for having a system

25 Technology System Ch. 2 Summary (Cont’d)
Inputs: Resources needed by the system (7) People Materials Tools Energy Knowledge Money Time

26 Technology System Ch. 2 Summary (Cont’d)
Processes: Actions taken on resources Two Main Types of Processes Problem-Solving Processes Transformational Processes Production Processes Management Processes

27 Technology System Ch. 2 Summary (Cont’d)
Outputs: Results of having the system Desired Results Undesired Results Unexpected Results

28 Technology System Ch. 2 Summary (Cont’d)
Feedback: Maintains Quality Monitors Controls Evaluates

29 Technology System Ch. 2 Summary (Cont’d)
Goals – Two Reasons to have a system Meet a human need or want To make money The End

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