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The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Verity K2 Enterprise 2002. 9.4 지식관리 시스템의 효과적인 기반 구축 KM Consulting Team ( 주 ) 쓰리소프트.

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Presentation on theme: "The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Verity K2 Enterprise 2002. 9.4 지식관리 시스템의 효과적인 기반 구축 KM Consulting Team ( 주 ) 쓰리소프트."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Verity K2 Enterprise 2002. 9.4 지식관리 시스템의 효과적인 기반 구축 KM Consulting Team ( 주 ) 쓰리소프트

2 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 목 차 1.Key Features of EP (or EKP) 2.Tier-1 : Discover 3.Tier-2 : Organize 4.Tier-3 : Connect 5.Verity K2 Technical Features 6.Q & A 2/20

3 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure KMS to EP 3/20 Key Features of EP Search Search Taxonomy Taxonomy Personalization Personalization Verity K2 Supports 3-Tier Architecture!!!

4 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Tier-1 Discover 4/20 Full-text Search Full-text Search Category drill-down Category drill-down Parametric selection Parametric selection Federated search Federated search

5 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Tier-1 Discover 5/20  Repository Types:  File System  HTTP  ODBC  MS Exchange  Lotus Notes  Documentum  Document Types:  HTML/XML/E-Mail  PDF  MS-Office  아래아 한글  훈민정음  아리랑  일사천리

6 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Tier-1 Discover 6/20 Operator 단어 검색 : Word,Wildcard, 동의어 개념 검색 : AND, OR, NOT, ACCRUE 근접 검색 : Phrase, Sentence, Paragraph, Near 필드 검색 : =,, = 기타 : Starts, Contains, Substring Query 키워드 + 조건 복합 검색 검색 결과 제한 결과 내 재 검색 문서 부분 검색 한글처리기 Keyword 자동 추출 한국어 형태소분석기 사용 동사 및 형용사 원형 색인 복합명사 처리 불용어 배제 사용자 사전 : 축약어 및 신조어 한자  한글 자동 변환 KSC5601 / UTF-8 지원 8 년간 지속적 Tuning 사전관리기 제공 : 사용자 사전 및 불용어 사전 관리

7 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Tier-1 Discover 7/20 Parametric Selection 사과 and 바나나 and 오렌지 and 작성일 >=2002-01-01 and 작성일 <=2002-12-31 and 작성자 = 홍길동 and 문서형태 = PPT and… text fld1fld2fld3fld4 Parametric Cube Index Parametric Results

8 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Tier-1 Discover 8/20 Federated Search  Why?  다양한 시스템  다양한 검색 엔진  일관된 표시 형식 요구  Connector  Multiple Index DB  Multiple Services  Merge Results  Eliminate Duplicates  Sorted By Relevancy Source Category

9 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Tier-2 Organize 9/20 Automatic Classification Automatic Classification Business Rules Business Rules Concept Extraction Concept Extraction Clustering Clustering

10 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 10/20 Tier-2 Organize  Automatic Classification  From File/URL Path  From Metadata  From Document Clusters  Semio  Semi-Automated Taxonomy Creation  Taxonomy Made By Human  Documents Classified By Machine

11 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 11/20 Tier-2 Organize  Logistic Regression Classification  Optimizes the worst case (error bound)  No assumption on document / word distributions  Guarantees good performance across different domains  88% P/R on Reuters  Allows negative examples

12 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 12/20 Tier-2 Organize  Result Clustering  Dynamic Summary  Clustering By Summary  Hierarchical Category Generation  Accept Business Logics

13 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure Tier-3 Connect 13/20 Popular Ranking Popular Ranking Document Recommendation Document Recommendation Community Community Expert Location Expert Location

14 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 14/20 Tier-3 Connect  Popular Ranking  User Feedback  More Choice, Higher Rank  Recommendation  Analysis of Query, User Behavior, Profiles  Outputs Additional Documents List  Informs Expert Location  Lists Those Who Has Same Interests as U…

15 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 15/20 Verity K2 3-Tier Architecture Search Taxonomy Personalization Discover Organize Connect

16 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 16/20 K2 Technical Features (1/4) Load Balancing 다수의 서버로 처리 요청을 분산시키기 위해서, 또한 빠른 응답 시간과 시스템의 안정성을 위해서 효과적인 분산 처리 기법을 제공한다. 사용자 K2 Broker K2 Server

17 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 17/20 K2 Technical Features (2/4) Distributed Processing 사용자의 요청을 여러 부분으로 나누어 다수의 검색 서버가 동시에 처리하여 결과를 취합 사용자 K2 Broker K2 Server

18 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 18/20 K2 Technical Features (3/4) Fault Tolerance 24 X 7 기계적인 문제로 서버의 서비스가 중단되어도 다른 정상적인 서버의 자원을 이용하여 무정지 서비스 가능 X 사용자 K2 Broker K2 Server

19 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 19/20 K2 Technical Features (4/4) Flexibility & Scalability  Solaris  Oracle  Linux  MySQL  MS-Windows  SQL Server  IBM  Informix 통합검색통합검색 통합검색통합검색 Java/JSP ASP/COM C/C++ 서버 측면사용자 측면

20 The Leader of Knowledge & e-Business Infrastructure 윤준호 82-2-3772-0361 3SOFT, Inc. Powering Business Portals 20/20 Q & A

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