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Twenty Questions Subject: Respiration. Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

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2 Twenty Questions Subject: Respiration.

3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

4 1. What are the three jobs of the nose? 1. Clean air 2. Moisten air 3. Warm air

5 2. Where does oxygen enter the blood and carbon dioxide leave the blood? Alveoli.

6 3. What does cellular respiration provide the body? Energy

7 4. What are the two waste products of Cellular Respiration? Carbon Dioxide and water

8 5. What two things do cells use to produce energy? Glucose and oxygen.

9 What element does fire need to burn? Oxygen

10 7. What is the job of the respiratory system? To provide oxygen to the body and get rid of carbon dioxide wastes.

11 8. Where does air enter the body? Mouth or nose.

12 9. What color is blood without oxygen and with oxygen? Without – dark red With – light red.

13 10. Describe the pathway of oxygen from the nose to the alveoli? Nose- alveoli – pharnyx – larnyx – trachea – bronchi – bronchioles - alveoli

14 11. What warms the air in the nose? capillaries

15 12. What sweeps the air that we breath? Cilia and coarse nose hair.

16 13. What moistens the air? Mucus.

17 14. What surrounds the alveoli? Capillaries

18 15. Describe the process of cellular respiration? Cells take glucose and oxygen to make energy then and the waste produces carbon dioxide and water..

19 16. Is it better to breath through your nose or mouth? Why It is better to breath through your nose so that you can warm, clean and moisten the air.

20 17. What muscle causes you to inhale air? The diaphragm.

21 18. When your diaphragm contracts you inhale or exhale? Inhale

22 19. What is the trachea? Tube that connects the throat and the lungs.

23 20. Name two types of respiratory diseases? SARS Asthma Emphysema. Bronchitis

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