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School of Materials Induction – week 2. Today’s session What learning is about –How we learn –Learning styles E-learning –Electronic study skills –Using.

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Presentation on theme: "School of Materials Induction – week 2. Today’s session What learning is about –How we learn –Learning styles E-learning –Electronic study skills –Using."— Presentation transcript:

1 School of Materials Induction – week 2

2 Today’s session What learning is about –How we learn –Learning styles E-learning –Electronic study skills –Using the web as a resource –Blackboard Life skills –Making best use of your time –Managing your finances

3 What do we mean by learning? Why do we want to learn? How do we learn? Do we all learn the same way? What different types of learning are there? What do we need to be able to learn?

4 Learning is: committing information to memory to improve your knowledge base for later use; making sense of experiences and observations in such a way that we can apply the knowledge gained to solving similar problems; developing capabilities; finding out how to do something.

5 Why do we want to learn? to get a degree; to do something with what we learn; to pass exams; to get a job; to be able to do a job.

6 How can we improve our learning? By understanding the purpose of learning. By recognising that there are different types of knowledge. By recognising that there are different learning styles.

7 How do we learn? We learn by: –reading; –listening; –writing; –watching; –discussing; And in all these activities we need to actively engage.

8 Do we all learn the same way? Visual learners: –think in pictures; –learn best from visual displays including diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs; –during a lecture or classroom discussion, visual learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information.

9 Auditory learners: –learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say; –interpret the underlying meanings of speech through listening to tone of voice, pitch, speed and other nuances; –may find written information may have little meaning until it is heard and often benefit from reading text aloud and using a tape recorder.

10 Tactile/kinesthetic learners –learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them; –may find it hard to sit still for long periods and may become distracted easily.

11 What different types of learning are there? Learning by rote. Learning by doing.

12 What do we need to be able to learn? An enquiring mind. Access to the information we need.

13 Barriers to learning Lack of understanding Inability to communicate Fixed mindset Prior knowledge Working in isolation Lack of participation Risk aversion Staying in your comfort zone Fear of failing Lack of time Lack of organisation Gateways to learning Understanding Ability to communicate Open mindedness Prior knowledge Working with others Active participation Risk taking Moving out of your comfort zone Accepting failure as necessary and building on it Having/making time

14 E learning Using the internet for academic study and research. Blackboard.

15 The internet A huge variety of information available. Some valid but can’t always check on accuracy of information. Google and Google Scholar.

16 Blackboard Backboard is the University’s VLE – Virtual Learning Environment. It is somewhere you can access programme unit specific information such as the unit spec, schedules and lecture notes. Full information on how to access Blackboard is available via StudentNet.




20 Life skills Making best use of your time. Managing your money.

21 Making best use of your time There are only 24 hours in every day. You need to achieve a balance between University and other aspects of your life. Use your time.

22 Managing your money No one has limitless funds. Know how much you have. Know how long it is going to have to last. Make yourself a budget. Work out what you have to pay for – hall fees, food, books etc. then work out what you have left and divide by the number of weeks before you will get any money.

23 Shopping Use cheaper supermarkets. Don’t buy two for one or three for two unless you will use all you buy. Look at sell by and best before dates – make sure you will use all you buy. Generally loose fruit and vegetables are cheaper than packaged ones. Organic carrots last much longer than non-organic.

24 Eating Porridge is really good for you and cheap. Water is better for you than fizzy drinks – it’s also free. –Fill up a bottle with water from home rather than buy bottled water. It is cheaper to cook from scratch than ready meals – also a lot cheaper. You can make soups easily and cheaply.

25 In addition Make packed lunches. Get a job – lots of opportunities in the University.

26 Thanks for listening Jacquie Wilson email: extension: 64146 office: SSB/C46

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