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Air Transport Association of Canada Safety Advisory Committee Larry Lachance Assistant Vice President, Operational Support November 7, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Transport Association of Canada Safety Advisory Committee Larry Lachance Assistant Vice President, Operational Support November 7, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Transport Association of Canada Safety Advisory Committee Larry Lachance Assistant Vice President, Operational Support November 7, 2010

2 2 Reported events

3 3 Airspace incursions

4 4 Incursions by FIR

5 5 Altitude deviations

6 6 Altitude deviations by FIR

7 7 Altitude deviations by strata

8 8 SID deviations

9 9 Top SID deviations site

10 10 SUA incursions

11 11 Top SUA incursions areas

12 12 Course deviations

13 13 2. Operating irregularities

14 14 IFR/IFR Losses of Separation Moving 12 Month Period July – June 2005/06 – 2009/10 IFR - IFR losses of separation

15 15 IFR – IFR losses of separation Quarterly reports

16 16 ACC Operating Irregularities Moving 12 Month Period July – June 2006/07 – 2009/10 ACC Operating Irregularities

17 17 Total Tower Operating Irregularities Moving 12 Month Period July – June 2006/07 – 2009/10 Tower Operating Irregularities

18 18 VFR operating irregularities Increase in numbers and in severity 3 critical and 5 moderate events since January 2010 Initial trend indicate “traffic information” either not issued or not issued on a timely basis to assist in separation In many cases when traffic issued, no reports of sighting Pilots “seem” to operate under the understanding of IFR separation application Pilots “seem” to hesitate to ask updates/questions on the issued traffic

19 19 Management measures All General Managers to develop a mitigation strategy Will convey VFR operational experts to a National workshop Aviation Safety Letter will be published reference VFR traffic Operations directive to all unit re “Traffic information” requirements Explore VFR training methods which integrate the use of new technology in the VFR environment Formulate communication stream through enhanced computer based training (CBT) Increase awareness by facilitating “Hot Stove” meetings on a site by site basis

20 20 Other measures Regular meetings with the flying training schools are taken place Provided ATS seminar information on local procedures Will approach Aviation organizations to explore further mitigations What else can be done…………

21 21 3. Sharing Safety Data

22 22 Sharing Safety Data NAV CANADA – Airport/Operator Memorandum of Agreement to share audio and surveillance data 9 airlines 5 other type of air operator 4 airports Contact:

23 23 Runway Safety & Incursion Prevention Panel Air Canada Pilots Association Air Line Pilots Association Air Transport Association of Canada Air Traffic Specialists/ Local 2245 CAW Canadian Airports Council Canadian Air Traffic Control Association Canadian Business Aviation Association Canadian Owners and Pilots Association National Airlines Council of Canada NAV CANADA (chair) Transport Canada Transportation Safety Board of Canada RSIPP representatives:

24 24 Actions in 2009/2010 Supported local runway safety teams –Created presentation for local airports & operators on Runway Incursion statistics and RSIPP mandate Presentations were provided by NAV CANADA site managers Creation of the Runway Safety web site in January 2010 on: – –contact e-mail Expanded focus to include Runway Excursions –Implemented a Runway Excursion database –Supported international runway excursion awareness campaigns

25 25 Runway Incursions

26 26 Risk Category

27 4. Best Practices Working Group update

28 28 BPWG Update Meeting Date - 5 October 2009 Temperature Compensation for Missed approach Altitudes RNAV Terminology Mandatory Pilot readback of Hold Short Instructions RNAV STARS and Vectors First Taxi Procedures Reduced Visibility Operations (RVOP) and Low Visibility Operations (LVOP) Alternate Missed approach Instructions ATC Responsibility for Obstacle Clearance

29 29 Meeting Date - 19 April 2010 Global Harmonization of ATS procedures and phraseology – RNAV SID and STARS Runway Surface Conditions and Braking Action Reporting Process “Can You Accept?” Introduction of Nose wheel up option during visual separation BPWG Update

30 30 All action items of the BPWG were closed Following the last two ATOCC/ANSNAC meetings no new action items for the BPWG – Group did not meet after April 2010 BPWG Update

31 31 Questions?


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