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Checks and Balances Essay post mortem. Presidential Powers Chief Executive Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces Negotiates treaties Chief planner of public.

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Presentation on theme: "Checks and Balances Essay post mortem. Presidential Powers Chief Executive Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces Negotiates treaties Chief planner of public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Checks and Balances Essay post mortem

2 Presidential Powers Chief Executive Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces Negotiates treaties Chief planner of public policy Appoints Supreme Court justices, federal and district court justices, ambassadors, executive officers, cabinet secretaries Can veto acts of Congress (pocket veto) Executive orders override the lawbooks Offers huge patronage among the political establishment Popularity makes him almost untouchable in people’s eyes

3 Presidential Limitations Only Congress can declare war Congress must agree the Federal budget (Clinton, war allocation) Congress passes Constitutional amendements Congress can override veto and amend Executive Orders (2/3 supermajority) Congress can impeach and convict a President (Nixon, Clinton) Congress ratifies treaties (Versailles, NAFTA) Congress confirms Presidential nominations (John Bolton, SC justices) Separate elections to the President (Mid-terms, Lame – duck, GWB)

4 Supreme Court Judicial review – declares laws unconstituonal (null and void) Job for life therefore various Presidential terms All legal matters in the U.S. subject to SC rulings SC responsible for the social changes in the U.S. Abortion, racial segregation, school prayer, Bush win in 2000, gave right of appeal to Guantanamo inmates. Gay marriage the next battleground?

5 Essay writing Use a variety of sources when essay writing Textbook Workbook (including the BBC stories on Presidential powers) Any other sources which provide good examples to support your point Each point should be explained and exemplified and then counterbalanced before a mini-conclusion is drawn.

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