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Edward Westermarck Westermarck wrote Ethical Relativity a book about ethical relativism. He attempted to provide a basis for the study of moral behavior.

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2 Edward Westermarck Westermarck wrote Ethical Relativity a book about ethical relativism. He attempted to provide a basis for the study of moral behavior Focused on no empirical basis for objective standards

3 Edward Westermarck

4 Ethical Relativism Ethical Relativism is defined as a descriptive view that different groups of people have different moral standards for evaluating acts as right or wrong. Different groups of people have different view points and each person thinks their view is right

5 Ethical Relativism Insights of ethical relativism: Tolerate and understand peoples differences Accept moral diversity

6 Criticisms Can’t decide what’s good because people find groups where what they think is right is held by every one. No one is there to tell them they are wrong. Just because everyone thinks it is right doesn’t make it right

7 Criticism (cont.) Moral principals express nothing more that the opinions of those who believe in them. If everyone has the same beliefs there is no one to spark a change in beliefs.

8 Dilemma- Divorce Is divorce right or wrong? “New” view divorce is acceptable and necessary in some cases “Old” view divorce is a sin and never acceptable

9 “Old Generation” View Divorce is a sin Biblical references say that it is immoral and against god to separate for any reason. If a man was to get a woman pregnant he must marry her and stay married.

10 “Old generation” View Stayed together forever

11 “Old Generation” View continued The culture of the past generation was more dedicated to staying together no matter what. People that divorced were shunned from society which reinforced staying together. Marrying a divorced woman or man looked at as adultery.

12 “New Generation” view Divorce is looked at as a cure for marriage problems. It is relatively easy solution that is accepted by society today. 50% of people say their second marriage is a lot better

13 “New Generation" Views Cont. Very streamlined taking out the feeling of wrongness People change over time leading to people growing apart and making divorce necessary.

14 “New generation” View Divorce effects more than just the two people

15 Divorce Discussed What is marriage? What is an “acceptable” reason for divorce?

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