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BBA Research Lab. Web Publishing at BBA Past Present Future By Samantha Wilson and Troy Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "BBA Research Lab. Web Publishing at BBA Past Present Future By Samantha Wilson and Troy Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 BBA Research Lab

2 Web Publishing at BBA Past Present Future By Samantha Wilson and Troy Johnson

3 So, why put info on the web? Post assignments for students Reference documents Post your ideas/inspirations for classes Introduce students to different media Communicate with students and parents

4 Conventional Publishing One method fits all Static web pages Use tools to publish DreamWeaver FrontPage NVU Designing from scratch can be difficult. Pages have to be updated at school Worked for some - never really took off.

5 Changes for the better: Right tool for the right job. Easy access. Blogs Wikis and conventional publishing New technology. New options.

6 Blogs: Web Log Three Examples: 1. Daily Announcements at BBA: Updated by Mrs. Towslee, Ms. Shields and Mr. Robbins 2. BBA Bell Tower Blog 3. Bill Muench Class Blogs Simple web publishing: Templates Create an account and start publishing: very simple Updating via e-mail ! Allow people to post comments or restrict them from posting. Easy access and interface

7 Wiki Two Examples: BBA Tech Committee: BBA Music by Julie and Neil Freeburn  Highly dynamic  Create it with tempaltes. Push the ‘Edit’ button on the page to edit !  Can cut and paste  Modes  Modes –Choose your editors or allow everyone to edit “Wiki wiki” means "rapidly" in the Hawaiian language.

8 Conventional Publishing More control over web pages Can be easier to add worksheets, extra media (film clips, etc.) Page by Dave Miceli

9 Others sites that are currently used at BBA to post to the web? Mr. Curtis Others ?

10 Commercial vs In-House Decided that blogs and wikis will be hosted on commercial services. Why commercial services ? Innovation of companies who do this for a living Technical demands in-house. … and the ‘commercial services’ also happen to be free.

11 Another Reason to Go Commercial: Support ! The wheel already exists… Excellent help menus on the Blogger and Wikispaces sites. Support on site at BBA as well: Mr. Deweerdt, Mr. Armitage, Mr. Falace Tech Committee

12 Which to Choose ? Don’t Worry. Step-by-step directions will be handed out today (to those interested) to setup blogs and WIKIs. What a deal ! We’ll help you look at the differences between blogs and wikis in more detail.

13 Thoughts: Which one should you choose ? Blogs, wikis, or conventional publishing Single class sites ? or Dept. sites with updates from multiple teachers ?

14 Advice Find what works for you. Do or do not ! Your choice. If you dive into publishing, start off with something basic. Give it some time to develop Seek help: Help menus Peers

15 Professional Development ! Breakout sessions offered today in the Smith Basement (CIS Dept.) Coverning blogs, wikis and conventional publishing in more detail… … or golf swing mechanics with Mr. Houghton Sure you are not interested ? Tech Q and A session with Dennis in the library. A crowd favorite…

16 Thanks for tuning in.

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