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EDU 221 One team With each person bringing a unique perspective to every memory and experience.

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Presentation on theme: "EDU 221 One team With each person bringing a unique perspective to every memory and experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDU 221 One team With each person bringing a unique perspective to every memory and experience.

2 10 Unique Journey’s  From everywhere in Maine, oh Mass too

3 We used each others great ideas To become the teachers we are at this point

4 Can you guess what I made this from… If you guessed the groups Fbook page.. Your right! (Our lifesaver)

5 How could you describe Practicum in one word… Crazy Intense Enthralling Whoa Dhgfhgf I think my words would be amazing and growth

6 Growth I’ve grown as a person in 5 months more than ever beforeBut I’ve learned it’s important to keep that mind young and creative

7 Waiting for something to happen… I learned to breathhhh. Being a teacher may be overwhelming at times, but find a balance. Maybe that means take a nap…

8 Now I’m awake from a nap! So what else have I learned? I like the words Classroom Management, Bug-proof, Evaluation and…TECHNOLOGY

9 Classroom Management  What I’ll remember most will be!  The importance of a positive environment!  Seating arrangements!  Learn the ways in which your students do best!  Oh and have fun!

10 Bug-proof and Evaluation  I’ve learned to plan for everything!  Have a bag-of-tricks!  And how to create rubrics with goals to promote learning and to not just assign a grade! Phew! Good thing Spencer made a scary face to scar that away! Scares me every time too

11 And TECHNOLOGY  Let’s leave it as I wouldn’t have been able to make this 5 months ago. (I didn’t even know how to open iMovie)

12 The End! Thank you for a great semester! Credits: Deadly Asian Hornet, http://flavorpill.tumblr.com /post/4931464307/japan-is-home-to-the-worlds-largest-and-most Map of Maine, /county-map/maine.shtml Permission from students in the class to be used! Permission Pending on song…

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