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TSRC Third Sector Research Centre The Third Sector Policy Environment in England: Partnership or Takeover?

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Presentation on theme: "TSRC Third Sector Research Centre The Third Sector Policy Environment in England: Partnership or Takeover?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre The Third Sector Policy Environment in England: Partnership or Takeover?

2 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Third Sector Research Centre Theory – Challenging concepts and discourses Policy – Understanding development and implementation

3 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre UK Devolution - Diversity Practice – History, Culture, Organisation Policy – Organisation, Politics, Policies Increasing divergence…

4 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Policy Context in England Continuation of ‘UK policy development’ Ideology and Discourse – Inclusive or Imperialist…

5 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Historical Epochs Nineteenth century – Delivery Early Twentieth century – Parallel bars Late Twentieth century – Extension ladders

6 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Post-war Policy Regimes Phase 1 – Incremental institution building Phase 2 – Wider incremental consolidation (Wolfenden) Phase 3 – Hyperactive mainstreaming (Deakin)

7 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Phase 3 – ‘Step Change’ Phase 1 and 2 – Focus on Vertical fields Phase 3 – Development of Horizontal support and intervention

8 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Third Sector Politics and Policy Sector-wide politics and practice – NCVO, ACEVO, SEC, NAVCA, etc… New policy focus – Third Way: between the state and the market

9 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Policy Development Deakin Commission – New relationship between the sector and the state. Blair (1998) - “The work of voluntary and community organisations is central to the Government’s mission to make this the Giving Age.” Brown (2004) - “transformation of the third sector to rival the market and the state with a quiet revolution in how voluntary action and charitable work serves the community.”

10 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Home Office Voluntary Services Unit → Active Communities Unit → Active Communities Directorate Civil Renewal Unit

11 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre HM Treasury 2002 – Cross cutting review (Comprehensive Spending Review) 2007 – Future role of third sector in social and economic regeneration

12 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Social Enterprise Policy emerging from economic regeneration DTI – Social Enterprise Unit

13 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Office of the Third Sector (OTS) 2006 – Restructuring, Consolidation, Expansion - Cabinet Office location - Campbell Robb – Director - Advisory and Reference Groups

14 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Partnership - Relationships Charities Act 2006 Compact (Concordat) - Commission for Compact: promote effective partnership - Codes of Practice - Commissioning and Procurement

15 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Partnership – Support Futurebuilders Change-Up – Capacity Builders Recession Action Plan (future?) Social Investment Bank

16 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Partnership Extensive and Intensive Tensions - Service delivery - Civic engagement/Social inclusion

17 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Partnership: Grants to Contracts Competition Division Restructuring (Age Concern…) Isomorphism Takeover?

18 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre New Discourses Policies for ‘the Sector’ Competition for representation (ACEVO versus NAVCA) Differential impact and implications Shaping relations with Government

19 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre Devolution within England Policies implemented locally – LAs and PCTs Local Compacts Regional planning and support Neighbourhood focus in social inclusion policy

20 TSRC Third Sector Research Centre English Policy Environment Centralised support and control - Partnership or Takeover? Regional and local fragmentation - Chaotic environment for practice?

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