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D O N OW (2 S TEPS ): 1. Put your HW on the black cart in then front of the room. Then, before you return to your seat…. 2. Take a Voting In Congress packet.

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Presentation on theme: "D O N OW (2 S TEPS ): 1. Put your HW on the black cart in then front of the room. Then, before you return to your seat…. 2. Take a Voting In Congress packet."— Presentation transcript:

1 D O N OW (2 S TEPS ): 1. Put your HW on the black cart in then front of the room. Then, before you return to your seat…. 2. Take a Voting In Congress packet. Then, return to your seat & put your name on the front Yes, I know the “Factors” in this packet are out of order, but we will be starting with Factor #1 on the 2 nd page Yes, I know the “Factors” in this packet are out of order, but we will be starting with Factor #1 on the 2 nd page

2 A GENDA : 1. Voting in Congress PowerPoint & Discussion HW-None Anyone who did not present their representative must see me during block 7 today, Wednesday, or Thursday to do so. Anyone who did not present their representative must see me during block 7 today, Wednesday, or Thursday to do so. In addition, if you missed last class I have go to SharePoint, find the writing prompts (Agenda or Due Date), answer them completely and turn them in by next class In addition, if you missed last class I have go to SharePoint, find the writing prompts (Agenda or Due Date), answer them completely and turn them in by next class

3 VOTING IN CONGRESS: It’s More Than Just “Yea” or “Nay” (It’s more than thumbs up or down, too. Sorry.)

4 M EMBERS OF C ONGRESS THINK ABOUT FOUR FACTORS when deciding whether to vote for a law.

5 FACTOR #1 FACTOR #2 What is my personal opinion? FACTOR #3 What are the views of my political party? FACTOR #4 What do my voters think? Does the Constitution give Congress the power to pass the law?

6 FACTOR #1 Does the Constitution give Congress the power to pass the law?

7 FACTOR #1 The POWERS of CONGRESS Congress is limited by what the Constitution says. The Constitution only gives Congress certain powers. Like What?

8 Here is what the Constitution says Congress can do: Collect taxes to raise money to pay debts, to defend the country, and to provide for the general welfare of the United States. FACTOR #1 The POWERS of CONGRESS

9 Control commerce (business) that happens across state lines, with foreign countries, and with Indian tribes. FACTOR #1 The POWERS of CONGRESS Here is what the Constitution says Congress can do:

10 Make laws about immigration. Make laws about bankruptcy. Establish post offices. FACTOR #1 The POWERS of CONGRESS Here is what the Constitution says Congress can do:

11 Declare war. Raise and support armies. FACTOR #1 The POWERS of CONGRESS Here is what the Constitution says Congress can do:

12 Oh, and here’s one more: Make all laws that are “necessary and proper” for executing any of these powers. Hold on! What does that mean? FACTOR #1 The POWERS of CONGRESS

13 That means Congress can sometimes do things that are not on the list...... if it relates to something that is on the list! FACTOR #1 The POWERS of CONGRESS

14 MINI-QUIZ! Test Your Knowledge About Factor #1

15 MINI-QUIZ Can Congress pass any law it wants to? A.YES! Congress has the power to do anything. B.NO! Congress can only do what the Constitution says it can do.

16 Congress has the power to create armies. A. True B. FalseMINI-QUIZ

17 Congress cannot control business that happens in more than one state. A. True B. FalseMINI-QUIZ

18 Congress may collect taxes for certain reasons. A. True B. FalseMINI-QUIZ

19 Congress may not make any laws about immigration. A. True B. FalseMINI-QUIZ

20 Congress may make any law as long as it is “necessary and proper.” A. True B. FalseMINI-QUIZ

21 When may Congress do something that is not listed in the Constitution? A. Always B. Never C.When it relates to something that is listed D. Only on ThursdaysMINI-QUIZ

22 FACTOR #2 What is my personal opinion?

23 FACTOR #2 PERSONAL OPINION Members of Congress are human beings, just like you! Sometimes they agree with a bill… …and sometimes they are totally against a bill. No way! Love it!

24 FACTOR #3 POLITICAL PARTY VIEWS People in a political party share similar values. They work for laws that reflect those values.

25 For a member of Congress, being in a political party is like being on a team. Members of the team support each other and try to create bills that reflect their values. FACTOR #3 POLITICAL PARTY VIEWS

26 Usually members of Congress agree with their political party about bills. But sometimes they don’t. FACTOR #3 POLITICAL PARTY VIEWS

27 FACTOR #4 WHAT THE VOTERS THINK There would be too many people in Congress if everyone went... So voters choose a few people to represent them.

28 People in Congress are responsible for representing the voters back home. So they’d better think about those voters, because… FACTOR #4 WHAT THE VOTERS THINK

29 Voters send people to Congress...... and voters can kick people out! FACTOR #4 WHAT THE VOTERS THINK

30 MINI-QUIZ! Test Your Knowledge About Factors 2, 3, and 4!

31 Members of Congress vote based only on their personal opinions. A.TRUE! Personal opinion is the only factor. B.FALSE! They consider other factors too. MINI-QUIZ

32 Members of Congress always agree with their political party about bills. A. True B. FalseMINI-QUIZ

33 When considering a bill, members of Congress should think about... A. Only themselves B. Voters back home C. People on the moonMINI-QUIZ

34 If members of Congress do a bad job, voters can kick them out. A. True B. FalseMINI-QUIZ

35 In Congress, being in a political party is like being on a... A. Team B. Game show C. Surf boardMINI-QUIZ

36 People in the same political party share similar… A. Eye color B. Opinions about movies C. ValuesMINI-QUIZ

37 When considering a bill, members of Congress usually think about… A. Their own opinions B. The Constitution C. Political party views D. What voters think E. All of the aboveMINI-QUIZ

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