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Anglo Saxon Literature (449—1066)

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Presentation on theme: "Anglo Saxon Literature (449—1066)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglo Saxon Literature (449—1066)

2 II. Anglo Saxon Literature
Introduction to British Literature 1. The Epic = Big Big, long poem Big characters Big Themes

3 3. The Personality of England
a. Timeline of British Literature and Thought l____l_____l_____l___l___l___l___l___ Anglo Medieval Rennais Reason Rom Victor Mod. Anxiety Saxon

4 b. Britain’s Island Personality
Strongly independent Individual freedom— Anglo-Saxon heritage worth of the individual) Strongly traditional – _____ system (medieval)

5 B. Anglo Saxon Literature

6 I. Anglo Saxon Literature (449—1066)
Introduction—Historical and Philosophical Background 1. Germanic invasions (Britons [Celts] conquered by Romans—Romans leave—Germanic barbarians invade a. Angles b. Saxons c. Jutes

7 Germanic Invasions of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes

8 Anglo Saxon Literature
Primitive Heroic Ideal a. Ideal of Kingly behavior b. The Warrior ideals c. Goal—win enduring fame

9 A. Intro to Anglo Saxon Literature
Old English Poetry a. written literature in England begins in 7th century b. Before that—the scop oral and memorized

10 A. Intro to Anglo Saxon Literature
c. Mead, mead halls, and mead hall lifestyle

11 A. Intro to Anglo Saxon Literature
d. The Spirit of Old English Poetry 1. dark world; little humor; warrior life 2. style (no “romantic” poetry) 3. but—OE poetry had: --extraordinary intensity, beauty, truth --subtle and intense depiction of the nature

12 A. Intro to Anglo Saxon Literature
5. Style of Literature—A--S Literary Techniques alliteration kenning caesura rhythm

13 B. Beowulf: the earliest epic poem in English

14 B. Beowulf (introduction)
1. Beowulf is a profound mixture of two sets of values a. Anglo Saxon Heroic Ideal b. Christian Morality and God

15 2. Meanings in Beowulf Surface level
b. Not just about feuds but about a deeper sense of evil—what does Beowulf say about evil? --the symbolism of the monster

16 2. Meanings in Beowulf (con’t.)
C. What does Beowulf say about the Heroic Ideal? --bravery is the instrument by which the hero realizes himself --Hrothgar compared to Beowulf—shows what? --Beowulf meets his doom but not before he shows his courage and character

17 2. Meanings in Beowulf Philosophical level
--what does Beowulf say about: fate (wyrd)? --sense of doom knowledge of death bravery and courage

18 2. Meanings in Beowulf Psychological / archetypal level
1. The hero’s journey (the monomyth) 2. What does Beowulf say about being human?

19 Setting and Characters
Herot— Hrothgar— Beowulf— Grendel

20 3. Setting and Characters
Grendel’s mother— Swamp-- Dragon— Wiglaf--

21 4. Symbolism in Beowulf Psychological (swamp, Grendel, mother, dragon)
Social (Hrothgar, Beowulf, Herot) Universal (G., G.’s mother, the dragon, the treasure, the tower

22 5. Conclusion The Anglo Saxon people, like all people, were much like us, dealing with— --a dangerous and seemingly uncaring world --what being human means --what living with bravery and honor means --battling the monsters that endanger us They were our grand—parents who lived in difficult times with pride and courage.

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