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Presentation on theme: "DISCRETE COMPUTATIONAL STRUCTURES CSE 2353 Fall 2005."— Presentation transcript:


2 CSE 2353 OUTLINE 1.Sets 2.Logic 3.Proof Techniques 4.Integers and Induction 5.Relations and Posets 6.Functions 7.Counting Principles 8.Boolean Algebra

3 CSE 2353 OUTLINE 1.Sets 2.Logic 3.Proof Techniques 4.Integers and Induction 5.Relations and Posets 6.Functions 7.Counting Principles 8.Boolean Algebra

4 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 4 Sets: Learning Objectives  Learn about sets  Explore various operations on sets  Become familiar with Venn diagrams  CS:  Learn how to represent sets in computer memory  Learn how to implement set operations in programs

5 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 5 Sets  Definition: Well-defined collection of distinct objects  Members or Elements: part of the collection  Roster Method: Description of a set by listing the elements, enclosed with braces  Examples:  Vowels = {a,e,i,o,u}  Primary colors = {red, blue, yellow}  Membership examples  “a belongs to the set of Vowels” is written as: a  Vowels  “j does not belong to the set of Vowels: j  Vowels

6 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 6 Sets  Set-builder method  A = { x | x  S, P(x) } or A = { x  S | P(x) }  A is the set of all elements x of S, such that x satisfies the property P  Example:  If X = {2,4,6,8,10}, then in set-builder notation, X can be described as X = {n  Z | n is even and 2  n  10}

7 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 7 Sets  Standard Symbols which denote sets of numbers  N : The set of all natural numbers (i.e.,all positive integers)  Z : The set of all integers  Z + : The set of all positive integers  Z* : The set of all nonzero integers  E : The set of all even integers  Q : The set of all rational numbers  Q* : The set of all nonzero rational numbers  Q + : The set of all positive rational numbers  R : The set of all real numbers  R* : The set of all nonzero real numbers  R + : The set of all positive real numbers  C : The set of all complex numbers  C* : The set of all nonzero complex numbers

8 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 8 Sets  Subsets  “X is a subset of Y” is written as X  Y  “X is not a subset of Y” is written as X Y  Example:  X = {a,e,i,o,u}, Y = {a, i, u} and z = {b,c,d,f,g}  Y  X, since every element of Y is an element of X  Y Z, since a  Y, but a  Z

9 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 9 Sets  Superset  X and Y are sets. If X  Y, then “X is contained in Y” or “Y contains X” or Y is a superset of X, written Y  X  Proper Subset  X and Y are sets. X is a proper subset of Y if X  Y and there exists at least one element in Y that is not in X. This is written X  Y.  Example:  X = {a,e,i,o,u}, Y = {a,e,i,o,u,y}  X  Y, since y  Y, but y  X

10 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 10 Sets  Set Equality  X and Y are sets. They are said to be equal if every element of X is an element of Y and every element of Y is an element of X, i.e. X  Y and Y  X  Examples:  {1,2,3} = {2,3,1}  X = {red, blue, yellow} and Y = {c | c is a primary color} Therefore, X=Y  Empty (Null) Set  A Set is Empty (Null) if it contains no elements.  The Empty Set is written as   The Empty Set is a subset of every set

11 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 11 Sets  Finite and Infinite Sets  X is a set. If there exists a nonnegative integer n such that X has n elements, then X is called a finite set with n elements.  If a set is not finite, then it is an infinite set.  Examples:  Y = {1,2,3} is a finite set  P = {red, blue, yellow} is a finite set  E, the set of all even integers, is an infinite set  , the Empty Set, is a finite set with 0 elements

12 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 12 Sets  Cardinality of Sets  Let S be a finite set with n distinct elements, where n ≥ 0. Then |S| = n, where the cardinality (number of elements) of S is n  Example:  If P = {red, blue, yellow}, then |P| = 3  Singleton  A set with only one element is a singleton  Example:  H = { 4 }, |H| = 1, H is a singleton

13 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 13 Sets  Power Set  For any set X,the power set of X,written P(X),is the set of all subsets of X  Example:  If X = {red, blue, yellow}, then P(X) = { , {red}, {blue}, {yellow}, {red,blue}, {red, yellow}, {blue, yellow}, {red, blue, yellow} }  Universal Set  An arbitrarily chosen, but fixed set

14 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 14 Sets  Venn Diagrams  Abstract visualization of a Universal set, U as a rectangle, with all subsets of U shown as circles.  Shaded portion represents the corresponding set  Example:  In Figure 1, Set X, shaded, is a subset of the Universal set, U

15 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 15 Sets  Union of Sets Example: If X = {1,2,3,4,5} and Y = {5,6,7,8,9}, then X ∪ Y = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}

16 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 16 Sets  Intersection of Sets Example: If X = {1,2,3,4,5} and Y = {5,6,7,8,9}, then X ∩ Y = {5}

17 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 17 Sets  Disjoint Sets Example: If X = {1,2,3,4,} and Y = {6,7,8,9}, then X ∩ Y = 

18 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 18 Sets

19 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 19 Sets

20 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 20 Sets  The union and intersection of three,four,or even infinitely many sets can be considered  For a finite collection of n sets, X 1, X 2, … X n where n ≥ 2 :

21 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 21 Sets  Index Set

22 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 22 Sets  Example:  If A = {a,b,c}, B = {x, y, z} and C = {1,2,3} then A ∩ B =  and B ∩ C =  and A ∩ C = . Therefore, A,B,C are pairwise disjoint

23 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 23 Sets  Difference Example: If X = {a,b,c,d} and Y = {c,d,e,f}, then X – Y = {a,b} and Y – X = {e,f}

24 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 24 Sets  Complement Example: If U = {a,b,c,d,e,f} and X = {c,d,e,f}, then X’ = {a,b}

25 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 25 Sets

26 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 26 Sets

27 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 27 Sets

28 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 28 Sets  Ordered Pair  X and Y are sets. If x  X and y  Y, then an ordered pair is written (x,y)  Order of elements is important. (x,y) is not necessarily equal to (y,x)  Cartesian Product  The Cartesian product of two sets X and Y,written X × Y,is the set  X × Y ={(x,y)|x ∈ X, y ∈ Y}  For any set X, X ×  =  =  × X  Example:  X = {a,b}, Y = {c,d}  X × Y = {(a,c), (a,d), (b,c), (b,d)}  Y × X = {(c,a), (d,a), (c,b), (d,b)}

29 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 29 Computer Representation of Sets  A Set may be stored in a computer in an array as an unordered list  Problem: Difficult to perform operations on the set.  Linked List  Solution: use Bit Strings (Bit Map)  A Bit String is a sequence of 0s and 1s  Length of a Bit String is the number of digits in the string  Elements appear in order in the bit string  A 0 indicates an element is absent, a 1 indicates that the element is present  A set may be implemented as a file

30 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 30 Computer Implementation of Set Operations  Bit Map  File  Operations  Intersection  Union  Element of  Difference  Complement  Power Set

31 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 31 Special “Sets” in CS  Multiset  Ordered Set

32 CSE 2353 OUTLINE 1.Sets 2.Logic 3.Proof Techniques 4.Relations and Posets 5.Functions 6.Counting Principles 7.Boolean Algebra

33 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 33 Logic: Learning Objectives  Learn about statements (propositions)  Learn how to use logical connectives to combine statements  Explore how to draw conclusions using various argument forms  Become familiar with quantifiers and predicates  CS  Boolean data type  If statement  Impact of negations  Implementation of quantifiers

34 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 34 Mathematical Logic  Definition: Methods of reasoning, provides rules and techniques to determine whether an argument is valid  Theorem: a statement that can be shown to be true (under certain conditions)  Example: If x is an even integer, then x + 1 is an odd integer  This statement is true under the condition that x is an integer is true

35 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 35 Mathematical Logic  A statement, or a proposition, is a declarative sentence that is either true or false, but not both  Lowercase letters denote propositions  Examples:  p: 2 is an even number (true)  q: 3 is an odd number (true)  r: A is a consonant (false)  The following are not propositions:  p: My cat is beautiful  q: Are you in charge?

36 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 36 Mathematical Logic  Truth value  One of the values “truth” or “falsity” assigned to a statement  True is abbreviated to T or 1  False is abbreviated to F or 0  Negation  The negation of p, written ∼ p, is the statement obtained by negating statement p  Truth values of p and ∼ p are opposite  Symbol ~ is called “not” ~p is read as as “not p”  Example:  p: A is a consonant  ~p: it is the case that A is not a consonant  q: Are you in charge?

37 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 37 Mathematical Logic  Truth Table  Conjunction  Let p and q be statements.The conjunction of p and q, written p ^ q, is the statement formed by joining statements p and q using the word “and”  The statement p ∧ q is true if both p and q are true; otherwise p ∧ q is false

38 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 38 Mathematical Logic  Conjunction  Truth Table for Conjunction:

39 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 39 Mathematical Logic  Disjunction  Let p and q be statements. The disjunction of p and q, written p v q, is the statement formed by joining statements p and q using the word “or”  The statement p v q is true if at least one of the statements p and q is true; otherwise p v q is false  The symbol v is read “or”

40 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 40 Mathematical Logic  Disjunction  Truth Table for Disjunction:

41 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 41 Mathematical Logic  Implication  Let p and q be statements.The statement “if p then q” is called an implication or condition.  The implication “if p then q” is written p  q  p  q is read:  “If p, then q”  “p is sufficient for q”  q if p  q whenever p

42 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 42 Mathematical Logic  Implication  Truth Table for Implication:  p is called the hypothesis, q is called the conclusion

43 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 43 Mathematical Logic  Implication  Let p: Today is Sunday and q: I will wash the car. The conjunction p  q is the statement:  p  q : If today is Sunday, then I will wash the car  The converse of this implication is written q  p  If I wash the car, then today is Sunday  The inverse of this implication is ~p  ~q  If today is not Sunday, then I will not wash the car  The contrapositive of this implication is ~q  ~p  If I do not wash the car, then today is not Sunday

44 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 44 Mathematical Logic  Biimplication  Let p and q be statements. The statement “p if and only if q” is called the biimplication or biconditional of p and q  The biconditional “p if and only if q” is written p  q  p  q is read:  “p if and only if q”  “p is necessary and sufficient for q”  “q if and only if p”  “q when and only when p”

45 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 45 Mathematical Logic  Biconditional  Truth Table for the Biconditional:

46 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 46 Mathematical Logic  Statement Formulas  Definitions  Symbols p,q,r,...,called statement variables  Symbols ~, ^, v, →,and ↔ are called logical connectives 1)A statement variable is a statement formula 2)If A and B are statement formulas, then the expressions (~A ), (A ^ B), (A v B ), (A → B ) and (A ↔ B ) are statement formulas  Expressions are statement formulas that are constructed only by using 1) and 2) above

47 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 47 Mathematical Logic  Precedence of logical connectives is:  ~ highest  ^ second highest  v third highest  → fourth highest  ↔ fifth highest

48 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 48 Mathematical Logic  Example:  Let A be the statement formula (~(p v q )) → (q ^ p )  Truth Table for A is:

49 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 49 Mathematical Logic  Tautology  A statement formula A is said to be a tautology if the truth value of A is T for any assignment of the truth values T and F to the statement variables occurring in A  Contradiction  A statement formula A is said to be a contradiction if the truth value of A is F for any assignment of the truth values T and F to the statement variables occurring in A

50 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 50 Mathematical Logic  Logically Implies  A statement formula A is said to logically imply a statement formula B if the statement formula A → B is a tautology. If A logically implies B, then symbolically we write A → B  Logically Equivalent  A statement formula A is said to be logically equivalent to a statement formula B if the statement formula A ↔ B is a tautology. If A is logically equivalent to B, then symbolically we write A ≡ B

51 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 51 Mathematical Logic

52 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 52 Mathematical Logic  Proof of (~p ^ q ) → (~(q →p ))

53 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 53 Mathematical Logic  Proof of (~p ^ q ) → (~(q →p )) [continued]

54 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 54 Validity of Arguments  Proof: an argument or a proof of a theorem consists of a finite sequence of statements ending in a conclusion  Argument: a finite sequence of statements.  The final statement,, is the conclusion, and the statements are the premises of the argument.  An argument is logically valid if the statement formula is a tautology.

55 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 55 Validity of Arguments  Valid Argument Forms  Modus Ponens (Method of Affirming)  Modus Tollens (Method of Denying)

56 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 56 Validity of Arguments  Valid Argument Forms  Disjunctive Syllogisms

57 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 57 Validity of Arguments  Valid Argument Forms  Hypothetical Syllogism  Dilemma

58 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 58 Validity of Arguments  Valid Argument Forms  Conjunctive Simplification

59 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 59 Validity of Arguments  Valid Argument Forms  Disjunctive Addition

60 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 60 Validity of Arguments  Valid Argument Forms  Conjunctive Addition

61 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 61 Quantifiers and First Order Logic  Predicate or Propositional Function  Let x be a variable and D be a set; P(x) is a sentence  Then P(x) is called a predicate or propositional function with respect to the set D if for each value of x in D, P(x) is a statement; i.e., P(x) is true or false  Moreover, D is called the domain of the discourse and x is called the free variable

62 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 62 Quantifiers and First Order Logic  Predicate or Propositional Function  Example:  Q(x,y) : x > y, where the Domain is the set of integers  Q is a 2-place predicate  Q is T for Q(4,3) and Q is F for Q (3,4)

63 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 63 Quantifiers and First Order Logic  Universal Quantifier  Let P(x) be a predicate and let D be the domain of the discourse. The universal quantification of P(x) is the statement:  For all x, P(x) or  For every x, P(x)  The symbol is read as “for all and every”   Two-place predicate:

64 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 64 Quantifiers and First Order Logic  Existential Quantifier  Let P(x) be a predicate and let D be the domain of the discourse. The existential quantification of P(x) is the statement:  There exists x, P(x)  The symbol is read as “there exists”   Bound Variable  The variable appearing in: or

65 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 65 Quantifiers and First Order Logic  Negation of Predicates (DeMorgan’s Laws)   Example:  If P(x) is the statement “x has won a race” where the domain of discourse is all runners, then the universal quantification of P(x) is, i.e., every runner has won a race. The negation of this statement is “it is not the case that every runner has won a race. Therefore there exists at least one runner who has not won a race. Therefore: and so,

66 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 66 Quantifiers and First Order Logic  Negation of Predicates (DeMorgan’s Laws) 

67 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 67 Logic and CS  Logic is basis of ALU  Logic is crucial to IF statements  AND  OR  NOT  Implementation of quantifiers  Looping  Database Query Languages  Relational Algebra  Relational Calculus  SQL

68 CSE 2353 OUTLINE 1.Sets 2.Logic 3.Proof Techniques 4.Integers and Inductions 5.Relations and Posets 6.Functions 7.Counting Principles 8.Boolean Algebra

69 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 69 Proof Technique: Learning Objectives  Learn various proof techniques  Direct  Indirect  Contradiction  Induction  Practice writing proofs  CS: Why study proof techniques?

70 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 70 Proof Techniques  Theorem  Statement that can be shown to be true (under certain conditions)  Typically Stated in one of three ways  As Facts  As Implications  As Biimplications

71 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 71 Proof Techniques  Direct Proof or Proof by Direct Method  Proof of those theorems that can be expressed in the form ∀ x (P(x) → Q(x)), D is the domain of discourse  Select a particular, but arbitrarily chosen, member a of the domain D  Show that the statement P(a) → Q(a) is true. (Assume that P(a) is true  Show that Q(a) is true  By the rule of Universal Generalization (UG), ∀ x (P(x) → Q(x)) is true

72 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 72 Proof Techniques  Indirect Proof  The implication p → q is equivalent to the implication ( ∼ q → ∼ p)  Therefore, in order to show that p → q is true, one can also show that the implication ( ∼ q → ∼ p) is true  To show that ( ∼ q → ∼ p) is true, assume that the negation of q is true and prove that the negation of p is true

73 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 73 Proof Techniques  Proof by Contradiction  Assume that the conclusion is not true and then arrive at a contradiction  Example: Prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers  Proof:  Assume there are not infinitely many prime numbers, therefore they are listable, i.e. p 1,p 2,…,p n  Consider the number q = p 1 p 2 …p n +1. q is not divisible by any of the listed primes  Therefore, q is a prime. However, it was not listed.  Contradiction! Therefore, there are infinitely many primes

74 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 74 Proof Techniques

75 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 75 Proof Techniques  Proof of Biimplications  To prove a theorem of the form ∀ x (P(x) ↔ Q(x )), where D is the domain of the discourse, consider an arbitrary but fixed element a from D. For this a, prove that the biimplication P(a) ↔ Q(a) is true  The biimplication p ↔ q is equivalent to (p → q) ∧ (q → p)  Prove that the implications p → q and q → p are true  Assume that p is true and show that q is true  Assume that q is true and show that p is true

76 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 76 Proof Techniques  Proof of Equivalent Statements  Consider the theorem that says that statements p,q and r are equivalent  Show that p → q, q → r and r → p  Assume p and prove q. Then assume q and prove r Finally, assume r and prove p  Or, prove that p if and only if q, and then q if and only if r  Other methods are possible

77 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 77 Other Proof Techniques  Vacuous  Trivial  Contrapositive  Counter Example  Divide into Cases

78 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 78 Proof Basics You can not prove by example

79 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 79 Proofs in Computer Science  Proof of program correctness  Proofs are used to verify approaches

80 CSE 2353 OUTLINE 1.Sets 2.Logic 3.Proof Techniques 4.Integers and Induction 5.Relations and Posets 6.Functions 7.Counting Principles 8.Boolean Algebra

81 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 81 Learning Objectives  Learn about the basic properties of integers  Explore how addition and subtraction operations are performed on binary numbers  Learn how the principle of mathematical induction is used to solve problems  CS  Become aware how integers are represented in computer memory  Looping

82 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 82 Integers  Properties of Integers

83 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 83 Integers

84 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 84 Integers

85 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 85 Integers

86 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 86 Integers

87 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 87 Integers

88 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 88 Integers  The div and mod operators  div  a div b = the quotient of a and b obtained by dividing a on b.  Examples:  8 div 5 = 1  13 div 3 = 4  mod  a mod b = the remainder of a and b obtained by dividing a on b  8 mod 5 = 3  13 mod 3 = 1

89 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 89 Integers

90 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 90 Integers

91 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 91 Integers

92 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 92 Integers

93 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 93 Integers  Relatively Prime Number

94 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 94 Integers  Least Common Multiples

95 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 95 Representation of Integers in Computer  Electrical signals are used inside the computer to process information  Two types of signals  Analog  Continuous wave forms used to represent such things as sound  Examples: audio tapes, older television signals, etc.  Digital  Represent information with a sequence of 0s and 1s  Examples: compact discs, newer digital HDTV signals

96 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 96 Representation of Integers in Computers  Digital Signals  0s and 1s – 0s represent low voltage, 1s high voltage  Digital signals are more reliable carriers of information than analog signals  Can be copied from one device to another with exact precision  Machine language is a sequence of 0s and 1s  The digit 0 or 1 is called a binary digit, or bit  A sequence of 0s and 1s is sometimes referred to as binary code

97 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 97 Representation of Integers in Computers  Decimal System or Base-10  The digits that are used to represent numbers in base 10 are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9  Binary System or Base-2  Computer memory stores numbers in machine language, i.e., as a sequence of 0s and 1s  Octal System or Base-8  Digits that are used to represent numbers in base 8 are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7  Hexadecimal System or Base-16  Digits and letters that are used to represent numbers in base 16 are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E, and F

98 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 98 Representation of Integers in Computers

99 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 99 Representation of Integers in Computers

100 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 100 Representation of Integers in Computers  Two’s Complements and Operations on Binary Numbers  In computer memory, integers are represented as binary numbers in fixed-length bit strings, such as 8, 16, 32 and 64  Assume that integers are represented as 8-bit fixed-length strings  Sign bit is the MSB (Most Significant Bit)  Leftmost bit (MSB) = 0, number is positive  Leftmost bit (MSB) = 1, number is negative

101 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 101 Representation of Integers in Computers

102 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 102 Representation of Integers in Computers  One’s Complements and Operations on Binary Numbers

103 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 103 Representation of Integers in Computers

104 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 104 Representation of Integers in Computers

105 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 105 Representation of Integers in Computers

106 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 106 Representation of Integers in Computers

107 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 107 Representation of Integers in Computers

108 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 108 Mathematical Deduction

109 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 109 Mathematical Deduction  Proof of a mathematical statement by the principle of mathematical induction consists of three steps:

110 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 110 Mathematical Deduction  Assume that when a domino is knocked over, the next domino is knocked over by it  Show that if the first domino is knocked over, then all the dominoes will be knocked over

111 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 111 Mathematical Deduction  Let P(n) denote the statement that then n th domino is knocked over  Show that P(1) is true  Assume some P(k) is true, i.e. the k th domino is knocked over for some  Prove that P(k+1) is true, i.e.

112 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 112 Mathematical Deduction  Assume that when a staircase is climbed, the next staircase is also climbed  Show that if the first staircase is climbed then all staircases can be climbed  Let P(n) denote the statement that then n th staircase is climbed  It is given that the first staircase is climbed, so P(1) is true

113 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 113 Mathematical Deduction  Suppose some P(k) is true, i.e. the k th staircase is climbed for some  By the assumption, because the k th staircase was climbed, the k+1 st staircase was climbed  Therefore, P(k) is true, so

114 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 114 Mathematical Deduction

115 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 115 Mathematical Deduction  We can associate a predicate, P(n). The predicate P(n) is such that:

116 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 116 Prime Numbers  For any positive integer n > 1, the integers 1 and n are called the trivial positive divisors of n  An integer n > 1 is a prime integer if and only if n has only trivial positive divisors  An integer n > 1 is a composite integer if and only if n has a nontrivial positive divisor

117 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 117 Prime Numbers

118 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 118 Prime Numbers

119 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 119 Prime Numbers Example: Consider the integer 131. Observe that 2 does not divide 131. We now find all odd primes p such that p 2  131. These primes are 3, 5, 7, and 11. Now none of 3, 5, 7, and 11 divides 131. Hence, 131 is a prime.

120 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 120 Prime Numbers

121 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 121 Prime Numbers  Factoring a Positive Integer  The standard factorization of n

122 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 122 Prime Numbers  Fermat’s Factoring Method

123 Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications 123 Prime Numbers  Fermat’s Factoring Method


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