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Global nutrition cluster information management toolkit.

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Presentation on theme: "Global nutrition cluster information management toolkit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global nutrition cluster information management toolkit

2 Presentation Outline Process Objective of Information Management Task of IMOs and the corresponding Tools needed to support IM function – with examples  Assessment  Response Planning  Resource Mobilization  Implementation and Monitoring  PLUS General/Admin Next steps

3 Process GNC IM/KM framework developed 2014: IM toolkit is a priority GNC formed an IM/KM TF to oversee framework implementation GNC commissioned toolkit development to ACF-UK 2014-2015 ACF-UK reviewed country tools and other clusters toolkits and identified 100 tools Sep 2015: GNC conducted workshop to prioritise tools and define way forward:  27 nutrition-specific tools prioritised  IMO RRTs are developing missing tools  Plan to finalise toolkit end November 2015

4 What is IM in humanitarian context? Development and implementation of a systematic approach for identifying, collecting, processing and storing, analyzing, presenting and sharing data for specific management and decision making to humanitarian responses

5 IM toolkit structure + general/admin

6 Needs assessment and analysis Main Tasks of an IMO:  To collect all relevant datasets  To collect and compile all assessment/survey info  To conduct partners capacity mapping IM toolkit Content  List of key datasets & inter-cluster info needs matrix  Survey/assessment database  Capacity mapping tool

7 Survey database

8 Capacity mapping

9 Strategic Response Planning The main Tasks of an IMO:  Collect who does what where and when  Support caseload calculation  Support identification of indicators to monitor  Develop IM framework for HRP Content of IM toolkit:  4W Templates  Caseload calculation tool  HIR & HRP tips (spell out)  IM framework template

10 4W: who does what where when

11 Caseload calculation tool

12 Humanitarian Indicators Registry

13 HRP tips


15 Example of a Nutrition Cluster M&E Framework

16 Resource mobilisation The main Tasks of an IMO  Support tracking of finances IM toolkit Content:  Financial tracking tool

17 Financial tracking tool

18 Implementation and Monitoring Main Tasks of an IMO:  Support gap analysis  Collect programme data  Support violations the BMS Code tracking IM toolkit Content:  Gap analysis tool  Partner reporting tool and database  Free online survey tools  BMS violations tracking tools

19 Implementation and Monitoring (cont) The main Tasks of an IMO:  Update partners on progress and support decision making IM toolkit Content:  PPT Template for updating partners on IM products/outputs  Template for Cluster Bulletins  Dashboard Templates  Maps & list of free online mapping tools  Guide for website development

20 Example Partner Reporting tools

21 Partner reporting tool

22 Examples of Cluster Bulletins

23 Country Cluster Bulletin Template

24 Templates for Developing Cluster Dashboards

25 Example how to info in a Map

26 General/admin Main Tasks of an IMO  Contact list management  Meeting minutes  Ensure consistent style of all products IM toolkit Content:  Contact list template  Meeting agenda & minutes template  Style guide  Handover note template  IM checklist  IMO ToR

27 Contact list

28 Meeting agenda and minutes

29 IMO handover template

30 Checklist for assessing whether IM needs are being met

31 Next steps Finalisation of the dev of remaining tool by end Nov 2015 and roll out - Currently  6 tools are available  12 tools – close to finalization  9 tools to be developed IM training package development and roll out  Outline of training package drafted  Training package dev and roll out pending dev of the 9 tools Toolkit review to be based on the feedback from training and roll out

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