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S t a t e I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y A g e n c y AVC Skills Development Government/SITA requirements R&D Technology Advisory Services Izak.

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1 S t a t e I n f o r m a t i o n T e c h n o l o g y A g e n c y AVC Skills Development Government/SITA requirements R&D Technology Advisory Services Izak de Villiers 15 October 2009

2 2 2 Agenda  Role players  Goals and principles  Contract 431 overview  Architecture  Issues and challenges  Rules and processes  Conclusion

3 3 3 Role Players  Government:  DPSA: owner and custodian of contract  Departments and other public bodies: users of contract  GITO Council: standards and policies  SITA:  Certification of ICT goods and services  Procurement: custodian of process  R&D TAS: technical process and consultation services  Industry:  Manufacturers (OEMs): standards and accreditation  Suppliers: solutions based on contract conditions  Industry bodies (e.g. SABS, SACIA)

4 4 4 Goals and principles  Regional procurement and local development  NIPP: investment in economy  Contract goals:  Successful solutions implemented for Government  Not technical, but solution-focussed  Are clients getting what they require (vs. what they want)?  Are they deploying the solutions correctly?  Are their expectations realistic?  National and regional service and support (footprint)

5 5 5 e-Government House of Values Security Interoperability Reduced Duplication Economies of Scale BEE Enablement Lower Cost Increased Productivity Citizen Convenience Government Architecture Enable Lower TCO Performance MISS MIOS Results Regional Procurement & NIPP Initiatives Bulk Purchasing C ontracts Overall Government Architecture Input Compliance to Certification Fewer Items on Contract

6 6 6 Contract 431 overview  Transversal contract for AVC (Audiovisual Communications Technology)  High level of skill, preferably certified according to AV industry standards  Required InfoComm CTS-x or equivalent “It is important for Government that services are provided by qualified resources. This includes technical resources certified for AV and VC solutions.”  Regional footprint

7 7 7 431 Architecture  Requirement-driven (more of an issue than you think!)  Solution focus  Skills are vital!  Box-dropping is frowned upon  Only accredited SPs are allowed

8 8 8 431 Issues and Challenges  Skills shortage (especially in regions)  Experience from other contracts/industries: OEMs have to handle service & support  No local AV certification or training  Convergence of IT and AV industries  Defining the client’s requirement!  Getting to a workable, cost-effective solution  Remedies:  Contract conditions  Advisory services  Deployment guides  Skills development: work with OEMs to invest in and develop partners

9 9 9 431 Rules and processes  Contract allows for growth of suppliers: their service offering can be increased as their accreditation credentials improve  Only accredited bidders with accredited products in accredited regions  Accountability/risk for working solution lies with suppliers, not Government  Amber- and blacklisting processes  Technology management processes  RFQ process definition and rules

10 10 Conclusion  SACIA would support SITA and Government goals in terms of local skills development and accreditation

11 11 Thank You! Questions? The future has arrived; it’s just not evenly distributed. – William Gibson

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