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The Fab Five (Philosophers That Have Influenced Our Govt.) De Montesquieu Rousseau Hobbes Locke Blackstone.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fab Five (Philosophers That Have Influenced Our Govt.) De Montesquieu Rousseau Hobbes Locke Blackstone."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fab Five (Philosophers That Have Influenced Our Govt.) De Montesquieu Rousseau Hobbes Locke Blackstone

2 Locke’s Contract Theory  English political thinker.  Published the Two Treaties of Government

3 Locke’s Contract Theory  According to Locke:  All people have “right to life, liberty, and property.”  Govt. arises from the contract between the ruler and ruled.  The people give the ruler the power to rule.  Ruler cannot deny people their basic rights.

4 Rousseau Expands the Contract Theory  Wrote The Social Contract.  About an ideal society, and what he thought had to take place to achieve this.  Later American colonists adopted Rousseau's vision.

5 Rousseau Expands the Contract Theory  In Rousseau’s ideal society:  People would form a community and make a contract with each other, not a ruler.  People would give up their needs for the greater majority.  Community would vote on all decisions, and everyone would live by the decisions made by the majority.

6 Montesquieu Suggests Limited Govt.  In his book Spirit of Laws he developed suggestions for creating a democratic govt.  Checks and balances.  Separation of powers- Different branches

7 Montesquieu Suggests Limited Govt.  Montesquieu believed that:  The best way to way to ensure that the govt. protects citizen’s rights is to limit its powers.  Best way to limit power is to divide the powers.

8 Basic Ideals and Principles of Democracy  Popular Consent/Sovereignty  govt. gets its power from the people they govern  Respect for Individual  Equality of Opportunity  “All men are created equal”  Personal Liberty  “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”  Rule of Law  Laws that safeguard liberty

9 Is the U.S Really a Democracy?  If the U.S. is a democracy then why does the Pledge of Allegiance say “and to the republic for which it stands”?  Because we were initially a republic.

10 Democracy v. Republic  Democracy  form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums  Republic  a system in which the people choose representatives who, in turn, make policy decisions on their behalf.

11 What is the best title for our system of government? A Democratic Republic A Democratic Republic

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